মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

32.Therapeutic Healing with a Twist

 The days  following our  recovery were a  time of  limbo
for all of us. I  really didn’t want a therapist. I  felt I  had come
to terms with what happened to me and I  just didn’t want to
relive  it. Boy, was  I  wrong. Once  I  sat down and  talked  to
the therapist they brought in, I  realized I  did want someone
to  talk  to.  I   responded  to her authentic and down-to-earth
personality. Neither she nor her colleague treated me like I
was  special or damaged  in  some way.  I  wasn’t  the main
focus of the group or singled out in an odd way.
Reunification was  unique  in  the  fact  that  it  focused  on
getting my  feet on  the ground, and during  the reunification
work we focused on reconnecting me to different facets of
my family and dealt with the everyday practical things that I
had not been accustomed to such as getting the kids their
shots  and  overall  checkups,  which  we  never  had  the
opportunity  to  do  before.  The girls  had  never  been  to  a
doctor before. We also went  to see a dentist and got our
teeth  checked  out.  All  of  our  teeth  were  in  pretty  good
shape.  The  only  potential  problems  the  girls  had  were
some pits where cavities could possibly develop, but other
than that they had good strong teeth. I  think one of the main
reasons  for  that  is,  Phillip  instilled  the  good  habit  of
chewing sugar-free gum from a very early age in them. He
was  very proud of himself  for  reading  that  in a magazine
about  health  and  knew  that  he wasn’t  going  to  be  taking
them to the dentist, so he thought of a way to make it work
for himself. My teeth are in pretty good shape, too. I  had a
lot of dentist chair time when I  was little and I  still have my
original  fillings. They have  lasted a  really  long  time, and  it
really surprised me to find that out because I  thought fillings
only  lasted  a  few  years,  but  these  have  lasted me more
than eighteen! I  have never been very fond of the dentist—I
can’t say it’s something I  ever missed—but the dentist that
they took us to was very nice, and her office was open and
not closed in like I  remember my old dentist’s office being.
The  girls  had  no  trouble  either.  So  their  first  trip  to  the
dentist was a success.
I  really wanted stability. Not just for the girls but me, too. I t
took me a while  to  figure out  that  the choice  to stay  in  the
area that we had been relocated to or go back down south,
where my mom, sister, and aunt currently lived, was mine to
make.  I   had  never  really  had  that  choice  before  and  the
concept was new  to me. My aunt went back  to where she
and  my  mom  lived  to  make  preparations  for  my  return.
During the time she was away, I  made up my mind that I  did
not want  to return  to  the Los Angeles area.  I  had come  to
love  the  beautiful  place  in which  I  was  temporarily  living.
Even with the generous donations we had been receiving in
the mail, we still did not have enough money to buy a home
or even rent one. National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC) stepped in, and a house was found in a
secluded part of the town in which I  wanted to stay. I t was a
beautiful old white farmhouse. I t was private and there was
plenty of room to play or walk outside without the neighbors
getting  curious,  unlike  the  first  house  they  housed  us  in
when the FBI  and El Dorado County first brought us to the
area. The only rental they could get was right in the middle
of town and not very private. Rentals were hard to come by
because  it was Labor Day weekend. The house was also
full  to  the  brim with  FBI   and  victim  advocates. When we
moved  into  the new  farmhouse,  it was much quieter. Only
one FBI  agent came with us. We had come to really enjoy
her company and now that she has been reassigned, we all
miss her very much. She made us feel safe and protected.
Living together in the farmhouse, we started to learn how to
be a  family. We had  to get used  to each other’s different
habits and ways of doing things. I t took time and work with
the  reunification  team.  During  that  time  I   was  presented
with  the opportunity  to sell a photo  to People magazine.  I
was  leery at  first.  I  was still unsure about how  I   felt about
anything. The only things that were clear to me were that my
mom loved me and the girls and that I  really wanted to stay
where we were.  I  wanted  to  find  some  permanence. The
media was a constant  threat.  I  was  told  that  if  I  didn’t give
them a picture,  then  they would  find a way  to  just  take  it.  I
was free yet not free. For the time being, nobody except for
the  girls  and  other  people with whom we  had  come  into
contact  knew what  I   looked  like.  I t  felt  like  I  had a  ticking
time bomb on my head just waiting to go off. I  wanted to do
things  with  the  girls,  but  I   couldn’t.  The  authorities  were
worried  I   would  be  recognized  somehow.  I   was  told  I
needed a lawyer to be a go-between with the media. They
were  hounding  for  a  photo  and  would  not  give  up. After
many  sleepless  nights  I   decided  to  sign  with People
magazine. I  would give them one photo and a statement.
The  day  before  the  shoot,  I   had  second  thoughts  and
decided  I   did  not  want  to  do  the  photo  shoot  or  give  a
photo.  I  was  scared.  I   talked  to my  lawyer,  and  he  said  I
could not back out now, that my name would be mud in the
media’s eyes, and I  needed to do the photo shoot. He said
that  everything would  be  fine.  I   said  I   have  not  signed  a
contract, and he said one was being drawn up and I ’d have
it  soon.  I   realize now  that  I   could have  just not  shown up.
However,  in  a way,  I  wanted  to  be  seen  finally.  I  wanted
everyone  to  know  how  happy  I  was  and  grateful  for  their
support. The day of the shoot, everything seemed to go by
in  a  flash.  Security was  hired  and  also  used  to  take  the
photos of my mom, sister, and me  together. My  therapist
has a little dog that goes to work with her frequently. When
the security men showed up with my lawyer to do the shoot,
they walked  into  the backyard and Stella promptly walked
over to the one with the camera, lifted her leg, and peed on
his shoe. I  don’t even think he noticed. But Rebecca and I
did.  The  sweet  little  therapy  dog  had  never  or  has  never
done  that  to  another  person.  That  should  have  been  the
clue to us to pack up and go. We stuck it out, though, and
the  cameraman  did  his  best  to make me  and my mom
smile. So many things were happening and in reality, I  was
happy; I  just wasn’t happy about the way the whole People
magazine  thing was going. At one point we were down  in
the corral with the two horses, Velcro and Freesia. Freesia,
the brown Hanoverian, kept getting  in  front of me and  the
cameraman. She kept pushing me back with her body. One
shot shows me ducking underneath her just so I  can see the
cameraman. Then, out of the blue, I  was asked if I  wanted
to take a photo with the girls. I  replied that wasn’t part of the
deal. But then I  didn’t want rumors to start about how I  am
trying  to hide  the girls, so we posed  for one  together with
our backs to the camera. The whole day was strange, and I
was glad when it was over. When the magazine came out I
was so happy with all  the genuine support  from everyone
and in the end I  was glad I  did it. After that, I  hired a public
relations person and tried to stay out of the media’s prying
eyes. That has not been easy for me because I  love being
able  to  do  things  with  the  girls  and  that  is  not  always
The  reunification  specialist  ended  up  becoming  my
personal therapist. And my recovery is an ongoing process
that  we  take  one  day  at  a  time.  The  day  I   came  to
Rebecca’s office to meet her horses, I  was hooked.
One of  the  first  things she had us do was brush Velcro
and Freesia. But it didn’t turn out to be that easy because
there was  a  catch; we  had  to  catch  them  first. Rebecca
loaded us up with  their halters and sent us  into  the pen  to
go halter  them. My daughters were naturals and soon had
Velcro haltered and were on their way back before I  could
even catch up  to Freesia, who had  it  in her mind  that she
didn’t particularly  feel  like being  led around by a bunch of
humans that day. The faster I  went, the faster she went. So I
had  to  change my  thinking.  I   decided  to  ignore  her  and
pretend  I   wasn’t  really  interested.  Well,  that  got  her
attention, and soon enough she was actually walking up to
me. I  felt a real victory. My tummy made a flip when I  felt her
nudge my  hand.  I   thought  to myself, Now’s my  chance.  I
turned  to her and scratched her  long sleek nose, and with
the halter in my other hand, I  slowly brought it up to where I
thought it was supposed to be. I  had never haltered a horse
before and being a  tad short  I   found  it a bit difficult  to say
the  least. With me  on my  tiptoes  and  Freesia  just  about
done with me, I  tried and tried but couldn’t figure out how to
put  the halter on correctly. Rebecca came over  to me and
asked what was going on. At first, I  didn’t want to give up. I
wanted  to  do  it  myself  and  have  that  sense  of
accomplishment.  I   knew  my  window  of  opportunity  was
running out, so I  asked myself, Do I  give in and ask for help
or let the horse get away? I  learned that day that I  can be a
very  stubborn  person.  Freesia  had  pulled  away  from me
and was on her merry way before I  had made up my mind
to  ask  for  help.  I   turned  to  Rebecca  and  she,  in  turn,
suggested I  ask one of my family members for help. Since
my daughters did so well with haltering their horse, I  asked
if they would help me with Freesia. This time, Freesia was
grazing on some grass and was not paying us humans any
mind.  Even when  I  walked  over with  the  girls,  she  didn’t
seem  to mind  the  interruption. She  just calmly stood  there
and  let  the  girls  pull  the  halter  over  her  and  then  they
handed me the lead rope and off we went together into the
arena to begin something that had already begun.
That session ended up being one of many  that brought
about several  revelations about me and how  I  viewed  the
world  for  so  many  years.  During  my  time  of  captivity  I
couldn’t  imagine  a  day  I   wouldn’t  be  there  in  that  place,
doing the same things over and over again. I  never thought
about asking for help. I  wonder why that is? It’s hard for me
to understand myself.
One particularly eye-opening session was when I  created
an  obstacle  in  the  arena,  which  happened  to  be  a  box
made  of  logs,  and  the  goal  was  to  get  the  horse  in  the
obstacle using no hands or words. At first Velcro would not
go into the box, and I  felt this was a metaphor for how I  was
feeling,  not  wanting  to  return  to  my  box/backyard.  After
about  an  hour  of  trying  just  because  I   had  a  task  to
accomplish and  I  didn’t want  to quit,  I   finally decided  that  I
really  didn’t  want  the  horse  in  the  box  after  all  and
announced  I  was satisfied with  the  results of  the exercise.
We  went  back  to  the  office  and  processed  what  the
exercise felt like for me. Later when it was time to leave, it
was quite a surprise  to see Velcro—that horse  that would
not  go  into  the  box—happily  sunning  herself  right  in  the
middle of it! Earlier as we processed the horse exercise, I
did  mention  to  Rebecca  how  much  easier  everything
seemed  and  less  complicated  in  the  “backyard.”  I   was
feeling a lot of pressure to make decisions, and I  just wasn’t
used to the complications of life. Even though I  didn’t want
my old situation back,  the  reality was  the  “backyard” was
less  complicated  for me  in many ways. And  I   needed  to
learn to step out gradually.
In  another  therapy  session,  Rebecca  brought  in  a  big
horse  ball  and  told me  that we’re  having  a  day  of  play.  I
couldn’t remember the last time I  played just for pleasure. In
fact,  I   couldn’t  remember  a  day  I   did  something  just  for
myself. Up until  recently  life was about making Phillip and
Nancy happy and making sure the girls had everything they
needed. Rebecca told me to take the ball and just play with
the  horses,  so  with  the  big  purple  ball  clutched  in  my
outstretched hands, I  entered the arena and tried to get one
of the horses to play with me. I  spent a good hour standing
in  front  of Velcro,  the  docile  black-and-white paint,  slowly
rolling  the ball  to  find  that all she did was stand  there and
look bored. The ball would bounce off her legs and return to
me but  the  “play” was mostly one-sided. During  that  time,
some  of my  rolls  to  Velcro  would miss  her  legs  and  go
sailing past her. During one of those times, Rebecca’s dog,
Skye, would come barreling  into  the arena and  run  to  the
ball that I  was running after, and she stopped it and started
rolling it back to me. I  thought this was more fun than rolling
it to a horse that clearly was having none of my antics. So I
started playing with Skye,  the black Labrador. She was a
great  ballplayer  and  we  soon  had  a  real  game  of  me
throwing the ball up to her and her using her nose to send it
flying  back  to me. During  this  time  Freesia,  the  beautiful
brown  Hanoverian,  started  to  become  intrigued  with  the
concept of Skye playing with the big round thing and started
very slowly  to drift our way. Nonchalantly at  first, and  then
later  going  up  to  the  ball  herself when  it would  get  away
from either me or Skye. By  the end, Freesia was actually
nudging  the  ball  herself  to  return  it  to  Skye.  I t  was  an
amazing  sight  to  see  the  dog  and  horse  playing  ball
together.  But  I   realized  something,  too:  at  first  I   was
uncomfortable  doing  something  just  for me,  and  Freesia
translated  that and was very standoffish, but  then as  I  got
more and more out of myself and in the moment, I  began to
see how  important  it was  for me  to  take moments  just  for
myself and enjoy the simple pleasures of simply playing.
One horse exercise  involving my  family was early  in  the
reunification process. I t was a time of great confusion and
just plain not knowing what was  really going  to happen  to
us. The paparazzi were a constant threat, and I  had no idea
how  to  handle  any  of  it.  Rebecca  came  up  with  this
exercise  to  give  us  a real  glimpse  of  what  we  were  up
against. My daughters wanted to stop hiding and just live a
normal  life. They had had enough of hiding and  just didn’t
understand how relentless the media could be.
The  horse  exercise  started  out with  all  of  us  receiving
buckets. Rebecca warned us  that  the horses are used  to
the  buckets  containing  grain,  so  to  be  careful  because
once the horses see the buckets they are going to go after
them even if there isn’t any grain. In this way, they were like
the media. Once the media sees you have information or a
story, they come after you even if you don’t want to share or
even if you really don’t have any grain/info. So we all go into
the arena with our bright yellow buckets. My sister and my
mom went in first, followed by the girls and then me. I  was
very reluctant because Rebecca pulled me aside and said
she was going to fill my bucket with grain. I  didn’t want the
grain/story. I  wanted to pass it to somebody else. But who?
I  couldn’t pawn  it off on my  family. So  I  entered  the arena
with  the  bucket  filled with  grain/info. At  first  I   tried  hiding
behind my sister with my bucket and  it worked.  I  was  left
alone.  The  horses  were  busy  sniffing  in  all  the  other
buckets,  they  didn’t  notice  me.  I   thought  this  very
appropriate because  I  don’t get noticed anyway. Then my
sister  stepped  aside  because  the  horses  were  really
starting  to  crowd  us  and  I   was  spotted  and  the  frenzy
began. They knew  I  was  the one with  the story/grain. They
came at me  like  they had never seen grain before, and  in
that moment everyone got to see the sheer force the media
could  be  and  we  knew  we  needed  to  find  some  help.
Rebecca suggested  I  share and spread  the grain/info out
among my  other  family members  and  then  try  to  keep  it
away  from  the  horses  as  long  as  possible.  T o me  the
metaphor was, how long can you keep your info to yourself
before the National Enquirer comes around and wants it at
all  costs?  I t  was  hard  to  keep  it  away  from  them.  I   am
something  they want very badly. My daughter  felt  like she
could handle the media, and Rebecca told her to come with
her. They walked a little ways away from the group and she
whispered something  in her ear;  later  I   found out she was
preparing  her  and  telling  her  what  she  had  planned  and
how  to do  it safely. She put more grain  in G’s bucket and
told her  to  run away with  the  info/grain. Well, she did and
those  horses  went  thundering  after  her.  I t  happened  too
quickly for me to panic, but I  had a firsthand glance of just
how dangerous  running away with  the story can be. Later
we went back  to  the office  to discuss what had happened
and  how we  could  better  deal with  the  situation. Contact
was  made  with  public  relations  representative  and
manager Nancy Seltzer and,  thanks  to her, we have much
better dealings with the media.
Another component to the Reunification process is food.
Food can be a real comfort, and I  must admit I  have used it
as a crutch many times in the past. Mint Chocolate is one of
my favorite treats. Rebecca’s team includes a professional
chef,  Charles.  In  one  of  the  tabloid  magazines  they
speculated  on what  I   fed  the  girls  for  dinner.  TV  dinners
became their guess. Boy, did they get it wrong. We, in fact,
were enjoying some delicious and nutritious meals. I  feel it
is super  important  to sit down as a  family every night and
have dinner  together. This  is not something we got  to do
before in the “backyard.” Now I  feel it is doubly important to
instill  family dinnertime  in  the girls while  they are still  living
at home. Hopefully, one day they will pass this new tradition
of ours to their own families.
Besides Chef Charles, my mom is an excellent cook as
well and makes most of our meals at home.
One of my favorite dishes my mom and grandma used to
make me when I  was little was tomato dumplings. Now that
I  am home she is able to make them for me once again. I t’s
a very simple recipe, but one that brings back such happy
memories for me.

Tomato Dumplings

1 large can (32 oz.) tomatoes
1 small can (16 oz.) diced tomatoes
2 or 3 cans of biscuits
Heat  the  big  can  and  the  smaller  can  of  tomato
juice (you have to cut up the tomatoes in the large can
into pieces) and bring to a boil. Pinch the raw biscuits
into thirds and drop them into the boiling tomatoes and
cook until  the biscuits puff up … maybe 5 minutes or
so. That’s it!! So easy, but oh so delicious. I ’m hoping
my mom  will  write  a  cookbook  to  pass  the  recipes
My favorite thing to do in the kitchen is bake. My aunt has
taught me the secret of making scrumptious chocolate chip
cookies.  It’s basically  the  recipe on  the back of chocolate
chips with a few tweaks, such as adding a pinch of nutmeg
and cinnamon  to  the dry  ingredients. The  real secret  is  to
mix them by hand and not with a mixer. Also don’t over-mix.
The cookies end up coming out of the oven softer.
The  first days  reunited with my  family were a blur.  I  do
remember distinctly encountering some strange food in the
refrigerator.  In  particular,  some  awful  peanut  butter  in  the
refrigerator and it didn’t occur to me to ask where it came
from. Later I  found it had been stocked by the Transitioning
Families  chef.  The  chef  told me  later  how  difficult  it  had
been to stock a kitchen with food that would be comforting
to a  family he didn’t know. We had  lived primarily on  fast
food, which was a challenge  for my  vegetarian  child. The
healthy food we ate was inconsistently provided.
During  the  reunification  process  the  chef  began  to
provide  us  with  a  new  definition  of  comfort  food.  In
particular I  remember a satisfying morsel of chocolate filled
with lemon. In the past comfort food meant half a chocolate
cake and the agony that followed. Each day when we went
to reunification therapy, we were greeted with fresh scones,
cucumber water, and incredible indescribable oatmeal. We
began  to  suspect  we  were  being  nurtured  through  this
healthy food.
Often after some stressful therapy sessions, we would all
sit  down  to  a  delicious  home-cooked  meal.  This  time
allowed  us  the  space  to  connect  together  and  the
opportunity  to  regroup.  Throughout  the  process,  eating
meals  together  was  when  we  really  began  to  feel  like  a
family.  The  food  often  gave  us  something  neutral  to  talk
about. Vegetables we had never heard of were presented
with  regularity.  Foods  like  fennel,  Jerusalem  artichokes,
golden polenta, and Comté cheese became not only new
words  in our  vocabulary but  staples  in our diet. The  food
distracted  and  entertained  us,  allowing  us  to  leave
ourselves for a bit. Later I  heard that the food receipts were
being  commented  on  from Eldorado  to Washington, DC.
They all wanted to know what was for lunch.
During some of  the sessions, Chef Charles would  take
the kids into the kitchen for baking and prepping for lunch.
The kids were finding it difficult to figure out where they fit in
as  my  mom,  sister,  and  I   were  reconnecting.  That  step
needed  to occur before we could  really  figure out how we
all  fit  in  together. The kids  relished having a place where
they could be useful and learn something at the same time.
The  kids and  I  had already  spent a good deal of  time  in
family equine therapy, and I  felt it was only right they had a
break.  Chef  Charles  recently  mentioned  that  on  one
particular day the girls helped him take down an old corral
fence. He innocently mentioned how much they enjoyed that
activity.  I   can’t  help  but  wonder  about  the  symbolism  of
taking down a  fence  for  them.  I t  is refreshing  that  the chef
never speculated.
My  growth  has  not  been  an  overnight  phenomenon.
Nonetheless,  it  has  slowly  but  surely  come  about.  In  the
beginning, everything I  had been led to believe from Phillip
was about protecting him and his plans. I  thought he loved
me and  the girls.  I  have come  to see his  love as not  real
and only based in his reality when it suited him to love us.
But  love  is not part-time and  it’s not conditional.  I   learned
this from Mom.
Phillip  is  narcissistic  and  only  does  things  that  benefit
him,  and  I’ve  come  to  realize  this  has  been  the  case  all
along.  I   learned when  I  could and couldn’t push. For every
argument we had—whether it be about the angels or God,
or Nancy or  the girls, whatever  it might be—I  was always
the one  to give up and hand  in  the  towel.  I  remember one
time  I  was working  on  pruning my  roses  around my  tent,
and  he  comes  to  the  back  to  announce that  one  of  our
Printing  for Less  clients was going  to  set him up with an
attorney  to  get  parole  off  his  back. This was  not  the  first
time he said something and then nothing happened, so my
reaction was less than what he felt like it should be and he
asked why  I  wasn’t  jumping up and down. Wasn’t  I  happy
that finally we could get going? Well, yes, I  would have been
if  I   thought  he was  really  going  to  follow  through,  but  this
was in 2006, and up until then he had several ideas and not
one he followed through on. So inside I  was not impressed
with his declaration. He became very angry and said  that
there was nothing he could do for me if I  wasn’t going to be
happy. The  rest  of  the  day was  awful. He moped  around
mostly sleeping. He told the girls, “Allissa was responsible
for my mood, she was letting the angels control her”—that’s
all  part  of  the  way  I   was  manipulated.  I f  I   didn’t  do
something right, it was my entire fault for how the rest of the
day went. I  didn’t let those days happen very often, at least
not on purpose, but I  never really knew what could set him
off. Sometimes he would shut  the business down  for days
and wouldn’t let me touch the printers or get any jobs done.
Even when  it would  look  like  I  had won a battle, he would
act disappointed in me or just shut down for days. I t taught
me  that most days were not worth  fighting over. Some of
the  topics of  “discussion” were centered around his belief
that the angels existed and controlled our minds. Every bad
thing  that  humans  do  is  due  to  the  angels  infecting  our
minds. When I  would ask for him to clarify, it would turn into
a long speech about how the angels are men and that they
live  under  the  earth  and  one  day  he would work with  the
governments  to  uncover  them.  He  said  they  gave  him
terrible dreams of men raping him in prison and him driving
off cliffs. I  thought maybe that was his conscience speaking.
I  always felt with him that there was no other answer but his.
He would say we could ask him anything. But can you really
ask anything  to  someone who believes  that  they have an
answer for everything and that that answer is the right one?
When  it came  to  the Bible, he would say  there  is not  just
one answer but that he could take one answer and make it
into  something  entirely  new.  Sometimes  I   know  my
daughters don’t understand why I  didn’t stand up for myself.
I t  frustrates  them,  I   know.  That  is  something  that  I   am
working on in therapy. My assertiveness. Sometimes I  feel
if  I   disagree  with  someone,  then  I   need  to  have  a  good
reason for doing so and I  need to have reasons to back me
up.  I   learned  in  therapy  the  word  “No”  is  a  complete
sentence. I  love that! I  never thought of that before. I ’m the
type of person that when something new comes up, I  like to
think it through and, yes, sometimes I  hope the problem will
just disappear or solve  itself. But given enough  time,  I  will
work  up  the  courage  inside  to  deal  with  whatever  new
needs attention. I  can come up with a solution that works for
me and usually works  for everyone.  I t’s hard  to know what
will be a mistake and what will not. With Phillip it was easier
to know because  I  had  learned his moods  throughout  the
many  years  of  knowing  him.  I   learned  to  avoid  certain
situations that I  knew would cause a problem. I  notice now
that I  have to deal with things on my own that I  avoid making
certain decisions or find the easy way out. In some ways I
learned to rely on Phillip and Nancy for so many things that
now  that  it  is  time  to do  things  for myself,  I   find  it not  so
easy. In my therapy the horses gave me another example.
Sometimes  it  is my  job  to  catch and halter a horse. This
particular horse  is  sometimes mean and nasty. She’s  the
dominant female of the herd for sure and she knows it, so
when  she  senses  that  I   am  not  a  dominant  female,  her
instinct is to challenge or more likely not give a flying leap
what I  want. So on my first try, I  walk out into her stall, and
she  immediately  rushes  away  from  me.  I   have  the  idea
maybe if she doesn’t see the halter, I  will have better luck. I
put  the  halter  behind  my  back  and  she  actually  lets  me
approach her. Her ears are  flat down and she moves her
head like to say I ’m going to bite you! My goal is to learn to
control my  fears and not show any  fear.  In a contradictory
way  I ’m  afraid,  but  then  again  I ’m  not  afraid.  I   confuse
myself  sometimes.  I   know  this  horse  and  I   know  she  is
bluffing. At least I  hope so. I  try to put the halter on, but she
just puts her butt to me and walks away. I  have used grain
before,  so  I   go  get  some  grain.  That  does  the  trick;  she
comes walking  to me  for  the grain at which  time  I  slip  the
lead  rope around her neck and wait until she  finishes  the
grain to put the halter on. I  slip on the halter and at first don’t
understand why  I  can’t get  the clip on.  I   think  I  must have
gotten the wrong halter, but I  don’t want to get the other one
because now I  have her I  can’t let go or I  will have to catch
her again.  I  yell  for some help. Something  I  wouldn’t have
done  before.  Luckily,  Rebecca  is  nearby  and  brings me
another halter. I  slip the new lead rope around her neck and
drop  the other  in  the  feeder.  I  get  the halter on and go  to
buckle it only to find this one does not fit either. Darn! This
must not be the right one either. But I  think that couldn’t be
right because Rebecca gave me the halter and surely she
knows  which  one  to  use.  After  several  tries  of
unsuccessfully trying to get the buckle on, I  ask a stable boy
for help. He is at first confused, too, and takes the halter off
to inspect it, exactly what I  should have done. He discovers
that it is inside out. He right-side-ins it and slips it back on
and  does  the  buckle  up.  Rebecca  asks  what  made  me
think I  couldn’t have figured it out myself. I t got me to think
what  I  would have done  if  there was nobody  there  to ask.
Would  I   have  figured  that  out  for myself?  I ’m  so  used  to
having someone do it for me that I  don’t know the answer to
that. All I  can do is do better next time. Going out by myself
is getting easier. I  still prefer company but have learned that
when forced to do something or go somewhere by myself, I
do fine and feel good about myself for going.
Part  of  my  therapy  includes  learning  as  much  about
Phillip and Nancy and the control they had over me as I  can
stand. This helps me to come to terms about how confusing
life was  in  the backyard. The more knowledge  I  gain,  the
more like an adult I  feel. I  never got the chance to become
an adult. Thanks  to Phillip,  I  missed out on some parts of
normal human development and  I   feel  I  am making up  for
lost  time. Experiencing  things  for  the  first  time,  like going
out shopping by myself. Or even just filling up a tank of gas
alone was  intimidating at  first.  I  was  so afraid  I  would do
something wrong and then get into trouble. But since I ’m not
in Phillip’s environment anymore  I  have  the  confidence  to
tell myself, it’s okay to make a mistake or, yes, you can do
this.  I   even  find myself  not  realizing  that  I   can  even  do  a
certain thing, like go to a concert with a friend or walk into a
place by myself;  sometimes  I   still  feel  like  I  have  to have
someone with me.  Those  feelings  are  slowly  fading  now
and I ’m doing more and more for myself.
One of my favorite things about therapy is the long walks
that I  go on with Rebecca. I  find myself talking more in those
two-hour hikes  than ever  I  would  in an office.  I ’m not sure
why this is. One theory I  have is that I  was cooped up for so
many  years  that  I   relish  the  thought  of  walking  for  long
periods of time and just being outside. I  love being outside,
whether  it’s  for a  run or  just  sitting and watching my  cats
play, it’s where I  prefer to be. My least favorite thing to do is
sit in the office and talk, but my therapist has found a way to
make  it  interesting  for me.  I   love metaphors and she has
come up with the idea of lighting candles to symbolize my
past, present, and future. My past and present were the two
candles we started with; she would ask me what I  would like
to  start with or deal with  today.  I  would  light up either my
past or present depending on my answer. During  the  last
few sessions we’ve used the candles I’ve noticed my past
melting more and more and becoming duller and duller  in
light.  T o  me,  a  lover  of  imagery,  this  is  my  past  slowly
extinguishing  itself  becoming  something  that’s  been
melted.  Shifting  and  changing  into  something  completely
different  than  the  way  I   saw  it  when  it  was  first  lit.
Remarkably,  my  present  candle  has  stayed  pretty  much
exactly the way it was when we first lighted it, which to me,
symbolizes  continuity. My  future  candle  is  a  special  one.
Rebecca gave it to me for my thirtieth birthday. I t is the face
of a horse and her baby. From the first time I  lit it to this day,
it  has  burned  brighter  than  the  other  two  put  together.  I
haven’t really  thought about what  that means entirely other
than  the obvious;  that my  future  is bright and  can  contain
anything I  can possibly imagine.
When I  imagine that future, I  see myself helping families
heal  after  traumatic  situations.  Families  are  like
snowflakes: they come  in many shapes and sizes and no
two  are  the  same.  And  like  a  snowflake,  they  are  very
delicate and must be protected and guarded from elements
that threaten to destroy their precarious balance. When two
or more snowflakes merge,  they strengthen  their chances
of surviving  in an ever-changing world. Unlike snowflakes,
given the right tools, families can survive through the worst
What  Phillip  and  Nancy  forced  us  to  pretend  in  the
backyard  was  not  a  family.  Yet  by  some  remarkable
fortune, the girls and I  do have a bond that kept us together
despite our challenging situation. Now  that bond  is  free  to
grow in an environment of better conditions.
Sometimes I  look at my life and what I  have and think I
don’t deserve it. Look at all I  have when there are so many
struggling  just  to get by and  feed  their  families. The JAYC
Foundation evolved from a deep need to give back all that I
was given. A pinecone was my last grip on freedom, so to
me they represent what was stolen away from me. Now that
I   am  free,  they  symbolize  life  and  freedom.  They  are  the
seeds of new life and that is exactly what I  have: “new life.”
The  pinecone  is  my  reminder  that  life  can  always  be
restarted. But I  know I  can’t heal the world. T o me the best
place to at least start the healing process is within our own
families. Given the right tools, even a family that has been
torn apart by unimaginable circumstances can learn to build
a new path together. The JAYC Foundation will be set up to
support  families  willing  to  come  together  in  a  variety  of
situations  and  diverse  circumstances.  My  hope  is  to
provide counseling and housing for families and victims of
abductions and exploitations during  the crucial early days
of reconnection. I  will work to provide the same type of safe
environment my  family and  I  experienced during  the early
days.  I t was  the simple, real approach  that helped us heal
and  return  to  each  other.  Transitioning  Families  worked
with my family in the crucial beginning months reuniting us
after eighteen very long years apart. My goal is to help one
family at a  time, providing  the  tools and  time  they need  to
thrive. Animal  rescue has  always  been  a  dream  of mine.
And I  find it ironic that I  landed in a place that embodies so
many  of  my  dreams.  I ’m  hoping  to  rescue  many  needy
families  and  animals  in  the  years  to  come.  I   hope  to
encourage others to reach out and help other families and
animals, too. It’s the simple things that count.
Just Ask Yourself to Care (JAYC).

                                             - The End -

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