মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩


My head feels like it’s spinning. I  think I  must have fallen
asleep. When I  come awake, we have stopped again. I t is
still daytime. The man tells the other passenger that we are
home and then whispers something else that I  can’t hear. I
still can’t see  the other passenger but can hear someone
exit the car. The man that grabbed me tells me to be quiet
and I  won’t be hurt. He says I  need to be very quiet or I  will
upset his very aggressive dogs. I  do not want to do anything
to anger him or the dogs. He seems big to me. He says he
is going to take me in the house and for me to be quiet and
not  say  a  word.  He  throws  a  blanket  over my  head  and
leads me  somewhere.  I  want  to go home. My brain  feels
less  foggy  than  it  did  before.  I   tell myself  I   am  having  a
dream and any minute  I  will wake up and my mom will be
there to hold me and tell me it was all just a bad dream. But
of course this is reality I  must survive. I  don’t ever remember
having a nightmare quite this vivid. I  was afraid of ET for a
while when  I   first  saw  the movie.  I   used  to  think  that  ET
would come to my house and be all dressed up like when
the little girl in the movie dressed him; in my dream, he was
mad  at  me  for  that  for  some  reason.  That  was  a  crazy
dream but nothing as scary as this.
When we are inside the strange house, he takes off the
blanket and instructs me to sit on the wicker sofa. He is a
very  tall man. He has very  light blue eyes and brown hair
that is thinning on the top a bit. His nose is kind of long and
his skin  is a bronze color.  I t  looks  like he spent  too much
time in the sun. He does not look like a bad guy. He looks
like a normal guy. Like any ordinary guy you would see  in
everyday life. But he is not! He couldn’t be … could he? He
shows me a black thing with metal ends that look sharp. He
calls it a “stun gun” and he says he will use it again if I  try to
get  away. He  turns  it  on  and  I   hear  the  strange  zapping
sound  I  heard before when my body would not work. The
sofa I ’m sitting on has a lot of cat hair. I  look up and I  see a
cat  sitting  on  a  washing  machine.  The  cat  looks  like  a
Himalayan Persian  tortoiseshell  and  there  is  another  one
that looks like a very fat, tabby torty. I  ask if I  can pet them.
He says  if  they come  to me,  then  I  can. One comes over
and I  give it a pet. It’s hair feels silky and real. I  think this cat
is  the  only  thing  that  feels  real  right  now;  everything  else
feels like a nightmare but this is too real to be a dream. The man says to follow him.


Looking  back  on  that  day,  feelings  of  dread  come  to
mind.  I  was eleven  years old,  still  very much a  kid.  I  was
very  scared  and  alone.  I   didn’t  know  what  was  going  to
happen  and  if  someone  had  told  me  what  I   would  be
enduring  for  the  next  eighteen  years,  I  would  never  have
believed them. I  had no idea what was going to happen to
me. What  this man had  in mind  for me was  like a  foreign
language. I  had never been subjected to any form of sexual
abuse before, hadn’t ever heard  the words either. My only
reference to sex was what I  had seen on TV or movies and
then acted out when playing Barbies, which would be in the
form of Barbie and Ken laying in the bed together side by
side. That  is what  I   thought  “sex” was.  I  know—silly,  right?
But that is the truth. My aunt Tina says that I  asked her once
how babies were made and she explained it to me. I  do not
remember asking her  this question and  I  don’t  remember
her answer to me. Even if I  had understood or remembered
what  she  told me,  it  still would not have prepared me  for
what  Phillip  did  to  me.  No  amount  of  preparation  could
have  helped  me  understand  why  another  human  being
would do what he did  to another human being, a  little girl,
for that matter. I  still don’t get it.

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