মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

6.The First Time

I hear the lock rattle and know he is coming to feed me.
I  am very hungry today. I  can’t remember the last time I  ate.
I ’m not sure how long I  have been in this room. I  tell myself I
should start counting days because when I  am rescued I  will
need to be able to know how long I  have been in this room. I
have no way of  keeping  track of  the days. The handcuffs
are  making  my  wrists  raw  and  make  it  hard  to  use  my
hands. I  have nothing to write on or with. He always brings
me a soda, so I  think maybe if I  can save the paper on the
straw, then I  can count the days by how many straw papers I
have, but he always  takes  the  trash  from me and puts on
the cuffs and there is no time for paper straw saving. I  try to
keep track of the days by how many times the sun sets, but
I  fall asleep so easily and sometimes when I  wake it is dark
already.  I  can see a  little  light coming  through  the window
but  not much.  I t  is  either  very  early  or  the  sun  is  setting.
When the sun is up and the wind blows, the shadow on the
towel  that  is hanging over  the window  looks  like a person
hanging  from  it.  I   have  nicknamed  this  tree  “hangman’s
tree.” One time curiosity got the better of me and I  struggled
to  get  up  with  the  handcuffs  and  finally  got  to my  feet.  I
wanted  to  see  what  was  hanging  outside  the  window.  I
grabbed a corner of  towel with my  teeth and wiggled and
maneuvered until  I   could  see out of  the window as best  I
could. There was nothing but a medium-sized tree outside
the  window,  nothing  hanging  from  it  but  its  large  gangly
branches and thick, full-size leaves. I  am relieved to see just
the tree; I  don’t know if I  can stand any more strangeness.
It’s a very strange feeling to not go to school every day. I
sometimes miss the routine I  used to have, and sometimes
it’s nice to not have to get up and go to school, too. But I  am
so bored. There  is nothing  to do  in  this place.  I  make up
stories  in my head a  lot.  I  have made up one about a boy
that has come from the stars. He flies around the world and
when  he  hears  a  child  crying  he  always  come  to
investigate. I  imagine that one day this Star Boy hears me
crying because  I  cry every single day. He  thinks my cries
are especially heart wrenching, and so he combs the earth
in search of me. When he finds me he is able to open the
window of my prison and I  take his hand and he flies me all
around the world. But in the end he always returns me to my
prison. I  wonder why this is so.
I  can hear my captor’s hollow footsteps coming from the
room beyond. He enters  the door and has a milkshake  in
his hand. At  first  I  smile at him and want him  to  think  I  am
doing well. For some reason I  think it is important for me to
be happy around him. He comes in and crouches down and
he says today will be a little different. He says I  can have the
milkshake and something  to eat after we are done. Done
with what? All of a sudden I  am not hungry anymore. I  have
this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I  want him to go
away. I  want to go away. I  tell him I  am not hungry. I  just want
to go home. He puts  the milkshake on a shelf and bends
down. He  says  to  take  off my  towel  and  lay  back  on  the
pallet. He takes off the cuffs and relocks them in front of me
instead of behind my back. He  then sits down next  to me
and explains what he  is going  to do. He  stands back up
and takes off all his clothes. I  do not want him to do that. I
start to cry. He takes my handcuffed hands and holds them
over my head.  I   feel  so helpless and  vulnerable.  I   feel  so
alone. He  lies on  top of me. He  is  so heavy.  I   can’t  stop
crying. He  said  he’d  be  quick  and  it would  be  better  if  I
didn’t  struggle  because  then  he  wouldn’t  have  to  get
aggressive.  I   don’t  understand  any  of  this. He  forces my
legs  open  and  inserts  the  hard  thing  between  his  legs  in
me.  I t  feels  like  I  am being  stretched apart.  I   feel  like  it’s
going  to come out of my belly.  I  am so small and he  is so
big. Why  is  he  doing  this?  Is  this  normal?  I   try  to  scoot
away.  I   try  to close my  legs. He  just  takes hold of my  legs
and shoves them further apart. He is too heavy and strong
for me. He keeps my hands above my head. I  try to think of
anything  but  what  is  happening  to  me.  Look  anywhere
except his  face.  I  can  feel  the  tears on my cheeks. He  is
making strange noises and grunting and sweating all over
me.  I   can’t  breathe  he  is  so  heavy. All  of  a  sudden  he
makes a giant grunt and puts even more of his weight on
me as he collapses.  I  cannot do anything.  I  cannot move.
He finally moves and asks if I ’m okay. He says it would be
easier on me if I  didn’t resist or struggle so much next time.
He  says  it wouldn’t  hurt  as much.  I   think  to myself,  I f  you
didn’t do it in the first place then it wouldn’t hurt at all. But I
am  too  frightened by his act  to say a  thing  in objection  to
him.  In my mind  I  am screaming NO  I  AM NOT OKAY …
GET OFF OF ME! Why are you doing  this? What does  it
mean? He said it was all over now and he gets up and says
he’s  going  to  go  get  something  to  clean  me  up.  I   am
bleeding  “down  there.”  I  am  so  scared. Am  I  dying? Why
am  I   bleeding?  He  says  it’s  okay—he  just  “popped  my
cherry.” I  don’t know what he meant. He leaves and comes
back  with  a  bucket  of  warm  water  and  a  washcloth.  He
takes  the cuffs off and says he will go  into  the next  room
and give me  some privacy  to bathe.  I  wash up and wrap
myself  in  the  clean  towel  and  then  sit  back  down  on  the
pallet on the floor. Milkshake all but forgotten.


I  had to stay in the same place I ’d just been raped in. I
didn’t know at the time that is what it was called; the word
“rape” was not in my vocabulary. Today that makes me feel
terrible for that little naïve girl. She is still a part of me and at
times  she  comes  out  and  makes  me  feel  small  and
helpless once again. At times I  feel like I ’m still eleven years
old. But something inside that frightened little girl made her
a  survivor and  she has made me  the person  I  am  today.
That  rape  turned  out  to  be  the  first  of  many  frequent
encounters.  I   don’t  remember  if  he  came  in  every  day  to
have sex with me; all I  know is it happened more times than
I  can count. Each time it happened I  learned to “go away” in
my mind until he was  finished.  I  would make up stories  in
my head to pass the time. I t was easy for me in those early
days to escape into my dream world because I  had always
been a dreamer and had my head in the clouds a lot. I  used
to lose all track of time and it helped to keep me from going
Knowing  my  kidnapper’s  name  was  not  something  I
wanted  to  know.  I   remember  thinking  that  I   did  not  want
know his name because  I  had heard  that once  you  know
their name, they can never let you go. During the first week
or so I  did learn that my kidnapper’s first name was Phillip. I
don’t  remember  how  I   knew;  it wasn’t  like  he  introduced
himself. He revealed it subtly without me realizing it.
I   can’t  believe  how  much  I   came  to  rely  on  him  for
everything. I  remember the heat was getting really bad and I
was  so  thankful  to  him  when  he  finally  installed  an  air-
conditioning  unit.  I t  seemed  he  had  an  answer  for
everything. Phillip  seemed like a nice guy when he wasn’t
using me for sex. I  even started enjoying his company. I  was
naïve and desperately lonely. I  was locked in a room all by
myself for days on end, and he was my only contact with the
outside world. All I  could do was survive and endure …
Hours  later  as  I   lay  staring  at  the  ceiling,  I   notice  the
forgotten milkshake has enticed  the ants  to come.  I  regret
not drinking it because now I  am so hungry my stomach is
growling at me. There is a long trail of ants that leads from
the window  to  the milkshake. Some have ventured  further
and  now  I   think  they  are  starting  to  explore me. Maybe  I
smell so bad it is attracting them. I  don’t know how long it’s
been since I  had a shower. I  haven’t had one since that first
day when he had me get in the shower with him. Since then,
the only cleanup I’ve had is with a bucket of water. The ants
make  my  skin  itch  even  worse  than  my  unclean  body
already  does  and  sometimes  they  get  in my mouth  and
leave  a  spicy  flavor  behind.  The  cuffs  make  it  near
impossible to scratch and flick them away. I  wish I  could get
in a nice hot bath and just soak all the grime away.

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