মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩


I’m so hungry  that’s all  I  can  think of. There  is nothing
good  on  television.  It’s  so  nice  having  a  TV  to  watch
whenever I  want to; I  really shouldn’t complain. After the last
“run,” he  let me stay  “next door.”  It’s a  lot bigger  than  the
studio room I  was in before. There is lots of stuff to explore
in here. Phillip has started to call me Snoopy. When I  asked
him why he said because  I  ask a  lot of questions and he
knows  I’ve  been  snooping  around  his  desk  in  here.  He
laughs and doesn’t seem to mind. I  wonder how he knew I
had gone through his desk? I t frightens me how he seems
to know everything. This  room has windows,  too, but  they
have  iron  bars  on  them  just  like  the  door. He  keeps  the
towels on them. At first when he let me stay in this room he
would  handcuff  me  to  the  pullout  bed.  I t  was  really
uncomfortable, but at least I  got to watch the color TV. Now
it’s  been  a  few  months  and he  doesn’t  handcuff  me
anymore.  I   can  get  up  and walk  around.  I   looked  out  the
windows but can’t really see much out of them. I  can see the
studio,  as Phillip  calls  it,  from  the  outside.  I t  looks  like  a
barn to me. It’s brown wood with many panels. Lots of wires
going  to and  from  it.  I   like  this room better. There  is more
room and it doesn’t feel as small as the other room.
Phillip is at the door. When he comes in, he says he has
someone that wants to meet me. Behind him stands a short
woman with long dark hair. Phillip introduces her as Nancy,
his wife. Phillip wants us  to be good  friends. He  tells me
Nancy will bring me dinner  for now. They don’t  stay  long.
Phillip comes in a little while later and tells me that Nancy is
just a  little  jealous of me but  that she will come around  to
liking  me  in  time  if  I   am  good  and  make  an  effort  to
encourage her to like me. I  can’t believe he has a wife and
that she helped him take me. I  am young and still believed
in love and that in a marriage you are faithful to each other.
This  is  another  new  lesson.  I   figure  she must  be  jealous
because he is using me for sex instead of her. While Phillip
was talking to me about Nancy, he says she doesn’t really
like sex and that I  am helping her out, too. I  really hate it and
wish  I  didn’t have  to.  I  don’t understand why  I  have  to help
The  first  time  I  was  introduced  to Nancy,  I  was glad  for
the  company.  Except  at  first  she  didn’t  stay  long.  She
started to bring me my meals. And Phillip would tell me that
he was encouraging her to talk to me and be my friend but
that she was jealous of me.
They got me a Nintendo, which is fun. I ’m not as alone
as I  used to be. Nancy and Phillip sleep in the pullout couch.
I  have a pallet on the floor. Nancy came in the other day and
said she had been  looking  for a special bear  for me and
she said she finally found the perfect one. She hands me a
soft, squishy purple bear. I  told her I  loved him and I  would
try to think of a name for him. I  think I  will name him Nurple
Bear. I  hug him close every night. I  think Nancy is starting to
like me more. I ’m not really sure how I  feel about her. She
sometimes spends time with me and tells me about her job.
She works with old  people  at  a  convalescent  home. She
has  a  favorite  client. He’s  an  old  Italian man  named Mr.
Giovetti. She likes when she gets to take care of him. She
tells me that the family really appreciates the care she gives
him. I  hope she comes to bring me dinner soon.
Sometimes when Phillip stays up for days and days and
goes on a “run,” he talks about bringing Nancy in to “party
with us.”  I  do not  like  the sound of  that at all. How could  I
look at her the same way if I  had to have sex with her, too?
That would be disgusting.  I  hope she  feels  the same way.
Phillip says he’s been  trying  to convince her.  I   really pray
that she doesn’t agree. Phillip also wants to watch his dog,
Cesar, have sex with me. He says a dog’s penis is not as
long as his and it wouldn’t hurt me as bad. I  hope he is just
talking and doesn’t mean he will actually bring his dog  in.
It’s  one  of  the  Dobermans  that  he  said  patrolled  the
backyard. He said the male, Cesar, is not very aggressive;
it is the female, Hera, that was mean. He has thoughts and
ideas  that  I   have  never  thought  of  before.  Why  would
anyone have sex with a dog? How did Phillip get such crazy
ideas?  I   don’t want  to  be  here.  I  want  to  go  home  to my
There is a mini-fridge in here and they have put cartons
of chocolate milk and  regular milk. Phillip says his mother
works as a  janitor at a school and she brings  them home
for him. There  is also cereal  for me  to eat  in  the morning.
Phillip loves cereal. I  often hear him get up in the middle of
the night having a bowl. It’s very annoying, because I  don’t
like  being  woken  up  in  the  middle  of  the  night  and  he
constantly hits  the bowl with his spoon and makes a  loud
dinging, scraping sound. Sleep  is  the only escape  I  have.
When I  don’t dare think, I  dare to dream.
The  days  are  so  boring.  I  wonder what Phillip  does  all
day.  I   like  to make  things; with  the empty cartons of milk  I
have figured out how to make a Barbie couch and chairs. I
cut  the sides and  then  tape  them  into a shape  I   like, add
cotton balls for cushion, and then glue fabric on the outside
and voilà!  Instant Barbie  furniture. Nancy brings me  things
that  I   ask  for  when  she  can.  She  brings  me Disney
magazine and Highlights magazine, too. Nancy gave me a
Birthday  Barbie  a  few  days  after my  twelfth  birthday. An
odd thing happened on my actual birthday a few days ago.
Phillip comes  in while  I  am watching TV and  they say  that
he and Nancy have a surprise for me. I  get excited thinking
that  they remembered my birthday and  thought  they had a
present  for me. He  tells me  to close my eyes while Nancy
comes in and I ’m thinking she is hiding my present. When
Phillip says I  can open my eyes, I  see Nancy sitting on the
end of my bed with a slight grin on her face. She is staring
right at me.  I   interpret  this  to mean something, but  I ’m not
sure why she is staring at me so intently. I  look around the
room expecting  to see something wrapped up, but  I  don’t
see anything changed. Phillip says, “Well, can you find the
surprise?” I  get up to investigate the room. I  finally sit back
down and look at him and say I  can’t find anything. He says,
“No, silly,  it’s right  in  front of you.”  I   look  in  front of me and
only see Nancy. I ’m starting to feel really bad for not seeing
my  surprise  that  is  supposed  to  be  right  in  front  of me.  I
shrug my shoulders and just sit and wait for them to tell me.
All the while Nancy is turning her head this way and that and
shaking  it. Finally, Phillip points  to Nancy and says,  “Look
at Nancy’s hair.” I  look and see it’s not long like it used to
be  and  it  is  highlighted with  red  streaks. Nancy  tells me,
“Surprise. I  have a new hairdo that I  wanted you to see.” I  try
to  cover my  disappointment with  a  smile  and  I   tell  her  it
looks great. I  feel awkward and selfish for thinking that they
had  brought me  something.  I   hope  they  don’t  notice  how
disappointed I  am.
I   miss  my  mom.  My  mom  used  to  make  me  Barbie
clothes.  She  had  just  made  me  some  new  outfits  right
before  I  went away.  I  wonder what she  is doing  right now.
Does she miss me as much as I  miss her? I  try really hard
not to think of things that make me sad. I  do like to replay
memories of home  in my head.  I  don’t want  to  forget.  I ’m
afraid  I  won’t  remember what my mom  looks  like.  I   don’t
want  to picture her  in my head and yet at  the same  time  I
do. I  miss the times when it used to be just me and her and
she  would  scratch  my  back  or  make  me  macaroni  and
cheese.  I  miss her  singing  “You Are My Sunshine”  to me
and making me little things like Barbie clothes and kissing
me good night.
I  don’t want  to  forget  times with my aunt Tina,  too. Like
the time my aunt Tina picked me up from school and took
me to see the floats from the Rose parade. That is the last
time  I   saw her before we moved  to Tahoe.  I  posed  for a
picture for her that day. I  probably looked so goofy with my
tongue out as she snapped the picture. I  miss her so much
right  now.  She  was  always there  when  I   was  little.  She
taught me how to make my first twist ponytail in my Barbies’
hair. When she moved out from my grandma and grandpa’s
house where we  lived  together,  she would  still  come and
take  me  to  her  new  place  for  a  sleepover.  Our  favorite
movie to watch together is The Little Mermaid. I  wonder if
she  thinks of me. Will  I  ever see her again? Will anything
ever be the way it’s supposed to be?


I t wasn’t until I  wrote the last paragraph on birthdays that
I  realized how little I  remembered my own birthdays during
my years of captivity.  I   think  I   told  them about my birthday
and  that’s  why  Nancy  gave  me  the  birthday  Barbie,  but
other  than  that  I   don’t  remember  anything  about  that  day.
The birthdays  I  do  remember were  the ones marked with
the ironic gift of a new tent. During those early years there
was no cake, no friends, and no memories to remember.
After  the  first year,  things changed and we all started  to
spend more time together. Phillip eventually rented movies
and bought  fast  food, he would pick up Nancy  from work,
and  we would  all  sit  on  the  pullout  bed  and  eat  a
smorgasbord  of  fast  food  and watch movies.  The  ones  I
remember  watching  were  scary  like Nightmare  on  Elm
Street.  I   also  remember watching Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles. I  loved the old Star Trek series that was usually on
late  at  night,  too.  Eventually  I   started watching Star Trek:
The Next Generation. What  I   liked  about Star Trek  was
that  even  though  there  was  still  crime  in  the  universe,  it
didn’t exist on earth. I  liked that the earth had been cleaned
up.  I  especially  liked  that  future because  I   felt  I  didn’t have
Nancy gave me a book on trees and I  copied it word for
word  into  a  book  I  made. Nancy would  always  bring me
something new when she came to check on me, like a new
book or new crayons. This made me  think she was  really
starting  to  like me.  I   thought  she was  so nice  to  take  the
time to come and see me even though she said it was hard
for her.  I  had my own standing  toilet with a built-in bucket.
Phillip would empty  it  outside  somewhere  in  the  yard,  he
said. This  took me  a  little  bit  to  get  used  to.  I   had  never
used  anything  but  a  regular  toilet  that  flushed.  I   thought  it
was gross that he was putting that kind of waste in the yard
but grew used to it over time. With time, I  grew used to all
kinds of things. Sometimes my bucket would get so full that
I  would have to hold it in when I  had to go. I  remember one
time  I  had  to go so badly  that  I  did  it  in  the garbage can.
Toilet  paper was  scarce,  too.  I  would  reuse  some  of  the
ones that just had dried pee; I  know that sounds gross, but
what  do  you  use  when  you  have  to  go  and  don’t  have
anything?  No  running  water,  no  way  to  go  get  what  you
need?  I  used what  I  had.  I  survived. There was  this daddy
longlegs  spider up  in  the  corner of  the  ceiling next  to  the
toilet.  I  named her Bianca and  I  would  talk  to her (maybe  I
watched Charlotte’s Web  a  few  too  many  times).  I   was
eleven  or  twelve  at  the  time  and  had  a  very  active
Sometimes I  feel bad for not missing Nancy. But for the
most  part  it  is  a  relief  for me  to  not  have  to  endure  her
moods  and  the  jealousy  she  harbored.  She  did  have
several opportunities to let me go, and I  might never know
why she chose not to.

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