মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩


There  is a stray cat  in  the backyard  that Phillip  feeds
and she had a batch of kittens. He calls her  “mama kitty.”
She  is going  to  live  in  the house with Phillip’s mother. He
found  homes  for  all  the  kittens  except  one  who  he  is
keeping tied up in the backyard. He named him Blackjack.
He  is  very  friendly.  It’s nice having a  kitty around again.  I
didn’t  like how Phillip was  treating  him,  though. When  he
would  go  on  his  “runs,”  Blackjack  could  sometimes  be
heard crying at night. He  is not  fixed yet, so  the crying  is
loud and gets on Phillip’s nerves. T o shut him up, he tosses
the contents of his urine bucket on poor Blackjack. I  hate it
and  tell  him  to  stop. When  he’s  high  on  drugs,  he  never
listens to me. But I  bring it up again when he’s coming off of
the drugs and he says he feels bad about doing that to the
cat and promises me he won’t use that method anymore. I
tell him it would help to get him fixed, and Phillip says he will
look into getting it done.


Blackjack  lived  a  long  life.  Toward  the  end  I   took
primary care of him and I  was the one that found him when
he died. I t was very hard for me. At the time, I  had made a
cat enclosure which he would go  in at night  to keep safe,
and  that’s where  I   found him one morning.  I t was  in 2002,
he was all curled up dead and stiff.  I  cried a  lot  for him.  I
could tell his time was coming, though, because he was not
himself for many days before that.
A few years later, when the girls were little, I  used to go
outside to be by myself. Sometimes I  would feel a pressure
build  inside  of me.  The  need  to  run  away  would  feel  so
heavy  that  in order  to soothe myself,  I  would sit by myself
outside. Not where anyone could see me—just  to a point
where  I   felt  I  was away and by myself. One of my  favorite
spots was a woodpile that was on the other side of one of
the many fences in the backyard. One day I  noticed that a
stray cat was going back there a lot, so I  sat for a long time
and  watched  and,  sure  enough,  out  popped  three  little
kittens.  I  put wet  food out  for  them,  trying  to  lure  them out.
Only  one  turned  out  to  be  friendly  and  I   asked Phillip  if  I
could keep him and he said yes. The others he took to the
local pound for adoption. The one I  kept was a male, long
hair, he  looked  like a Maine coon.  I  named him Tucker.  I
think he was the first cat that I  really felt was mine. Although
I   loved  Eclipse,  I   never  really  felt  she  was mine.  I   found
Tucker myself.  I   fed him.  I  made sure he was safe,  I   loved
him deeply. He was always so sweet and affectionate and
came whenever  I   called. Well …  sometimes.  I   remember
one evening at dinnertime, I  called and called and he didn’t
come for the longest time. I  usually let them out during part
of the day and then I  put them back inside their enclosure at
night by feeding them. Well, that day I  called and called and
was  becoming  very  scared  that  I   would  never  see  him
again. When  there  he  comes  over  the  fence  and  starts
meowing for dinner. I  was so relieved. He lived in there with
a stray cat that we caught in one of those humane cat traps.
We kept seeing this black stray cat around the yard and he
was eating all  the birds, so we decided we needed  to do
something. We caught him and got him fixed and I  decided
to keep him, too. I  named him Lucky. He turned out to be a
very nice cat,  too. Very good personality,  loved  to eat! He
lived  with  Tucker  for  many,  many  years.  They  were  like
brothers. The  day  they  died  broke my  heart. T o  this  day,
even writing this right now I  feel the tears coming.
I t all started the day before Halloween. I  was in the office,
working, when G came running in saying there were two big
dogs in our backyard. I  became concerned for the kids first
of all and ran outside to see them for myself. As soon as I
got  out  there,  two  big  huskies  went  running  back  from
where they had come from, which happened to be through
a hole  they had chewed  from our neighbors’ yard  to ours
through  two  fences.  I  put up a piece of wood and  thought
that would take care of the problem; looking back, I  wish so
much  I   would  have  taken  the  time  to  do  a  better  job  of
securing that fence, but hindsight is 20-20.
The  next  day,  about midmorning,  I  was  working  in  the
office again, when in came the kids again saying the dogs
were  back.  This  time  I  wasn’t  as  panicky.  They  seemed
harmless to me, and I  was sure as soon as I  went outside
they would go back over  the  fence. So Phillip, Nancy,  the
girls, and I  went out to the back and shooed them back over
and were getting ready to make the hole more secure so it
wouldn’t happen again. Everyone was out there helping me
get the dogs back over and then I  turned around and went
to  say  “Hi”  to my  cats,  Tucker  and  Lucky,  but  they  didn’t
move  because  they  were  dead.  I   felt  such  devastation  I
don’t  think  I  moved  for  a  long  time. Phillip  saw me,  then
looked at them and saw the huge hole the dogs had made
in  the  enclosure  which  they  were  in.  The  kids  were  out
there, too, and hadn’t seen them yet or even realized what
had happened, they just saw me sobbing and on my knees.
I  just couldn’t help it. I  was so devastated. Phillip stayed with
me while Nancy took the girls inside, I ’m not sure what she
told them, but I  stayed outside sobbing. Phillip went over to
the neighbors to let them know what happened, and I  soon
heard  them working on  the  fence. Surely,  they could hear
me  cry,  too;  but  I   just wanted  them  to  fix  the  fence  so  it
didn’t happen again to any of our other cats. I  cried all day
that  day  and  several  days  thereafter,  especially  during
feeding time when I  didn’t have to make as many dishes as
I  used to; those times were especially hard and sometimes
I  would have A finish. I  stayed in bed a lot and slept; the first
night  I  cried so hard during  the day  that  I  got a killer sinus
headache  that night and wasn’t able  to sleep well.  I t  took
time  to get over  the  loss of  them, especially Tucker, who  I
will  remember  forever  because  I   found  him  and  he  loved
In 2006, Nancy and I  brought home two kittens on one of
our  thrift store outings  for  the girls. They were being given
away in a box outside of the supermarket. We picked two
out  and  brought  them  home.  The  girls  named  them
Princess  and  Misty.  Princess  attached  herself  to  my
youngest  daughter  and  would follow  her  around  like  a
puppy.  Misty  was  more  of  the  laid-back  type  and  spent
many hours in my eldest daughter’s lap.
We  also  had  two  dogs  that  used  to  belong  to  our
neighbor who  had months  earlier  fallen  in  his  house  and
was moved to an elderly care facility. Phillip brought his two
dogs—Mindy,  a  pit  bull/Labrador  mix  and  Rowdy,  a
German shepherd/rottweiler ball of puppy energy. We soon
learned  that  the  two dogs  loved to  chase  cats, and  since
we had so many on the property, we decided to build a dog
run for them. I  would take them out once a day for a walk on
the  leash around  the backyard. Rowdy would always pull,
so I  didn’t think anything of it when he suddenly yanked so
hard on  the  leash and  tried  to pull me  toward  the old barn
that  was  in  the middle  of  the  property.  I t  was  half  falling
down  and  I  warned  the  girls multiple  times  to  stay  away
from it. Rowdy was adamant about sniffing around the barn,
so  I  gave  in and  let him  lead me over. There was a small
cutout looking into the barn and he immediately jumped up,
peered  inside, and started whining.  I  pulled him away and
looked in myself and didn’t see anything at first because it
was  so  dark  in  there.  I   finally  saw  some movement  and
discovered it was a tiny kitten. One of the strays in the area
had  a  litter  of  kittens  in  our  barn.  For  several  days  I   just
watched them and noticed their mother come and go a few
times.  I   took  the girls out and showed  them  from afar  the
new kittens, and  they wanted  to bring  them  in  the  room.  I
told  them  not  yet  because  we  really  didn’t  have  enough
money to take care of four new kittens. I  didn’t know what to
do. All our  cats had been  fixed, but  it was hard  to  find a
program  in  the  area  for  free  or  discounted  spay  or
neutering. After the first week I  noticed that the kittens were
crying a  lot and  I  hadn’t seen  their mother come back  for
days. I  thought maybe the feral mother became scared and
might have abandoned her kittens. After talking with Phillip
and  letting him know about  the kittens, he said we should
get  them out of  the barn and  then decide what  to do with
them. Through  that small opening, we were able  to wiggle
through  and  pull  out  the  very  weak  kittens.  They  looked
small and like they hadn’t eaten for a while. They had their
teeth but appeared younger than I  think they actually were.
One looked like it had an eye infection and Phillip allowed
me  to  take  him  to  the  vet  if  I   pretended  to  just  be  his
daughter. Whenever I  went out, no one seemed to wonder
who I  was. Phillip would say it was the angels protecting us.
I  couldn’t help but  feel  I  was  invisible. The kittens were  in
good  health  otherwise  and  before  we  knew  it  they  had
become part of our growing kitty family.
Unfortunately, when  the  girls  and  I  were  recovered  and
officers  were  sent  to  secure  the  property,  Princess  and
Misty were not among those rescued; neither was Neo, my
gray  tabby whom  I   received on my  twenty-third birthday.  I
feared we would never see the new kittens again either, but
fortunately they were in one of the buildings and were able
to  be  caught.  I t  was  hard  to  come  to  terms  with  never
seeing some of the cats ever again. They were a big focus
of our lives and they were family.
I  am forever grateful to Officer Beth for keeping an eye on
all my cats and finding fosters for them for six months until
we were able to reunite with them in January of 2010.

• Journal Entries •

In  the  spring  of  1998,  I   needed  an  outlet  for  all  the
feelings  and  emotions  I  was  keeping  bottled  up  inside.  I
knew  Phillip  would  never  approve  of  me  writing  things
down, but I  had this compulsion to get some things down on
paper. When I  was seven or eight, my dream was to be a
writer or a veterinarian. I  love writing stories and have made
many up in my mind over the years. I  have tried to instill in
my  kids  a  love  of  reading  and  even encouraged  them  to
write their own stories. Deciding to share my journal entries
was  a  decision  I   have  thought  about  long  and  hard  and
have come  to  the conclusion  that  it  is  important  for me  to
include my feelings and thoughts during my time in captivity.
A  lot of  them show how much  I  wanted my  freedom, how
much  I   wanted  to  see  my  mom,  and  bring  to  light  my
conflicted feelings for Phillip and Nancy Garrido.

MAY 3, 1998

Who am I? At this very moment I  don’t know. I  don’t even
know who I  want to be. I  do know who I  was. I  was a kid who
always  wanted  to  be  accepted,  a  part  of  the  crowd.  I ’m
always trying to think of the right thing to say to someone. I
wanted  to be  liked, so  I  could  fit  in. When  I  would start a
new school, I  had been in 4 different ones by the time I  was
11,  it  was  hard  for me  to  be  the  new  kid.  Not  knowing
anyone and playing on  the  playground  by myself was  not
something I  looked forward to, so would always try to find a
friend.  But  I   was  very  shy  to  do  that.  They  usually made
friends with me.  In my  last  school  in G. Lake Tahoe at a
school called Meyers elementary  this one girl came up  to
me,  I  was new of course and  I  was alone on  the swings,  I
remember  thinking  to myself, Why am  I  not  trying  to make
friends with the other kids, I  hate being alone! But for some
reason I  just could not go up to a group of kids and ask to
play with them, too shy I  guess. But anyway to get back to
the story; she sits next to me on the other swing and starts
talking to me and we become friends, she was very nice. I
think  she  was  from  Russia  or  Ukraine,  her  name  was
Rowan. Then she  introduces me to one of her  friends, her
name  was  Shawnee  who  become  my  “best  friend  in
Tahoe.” She was tall for her age and I  was small so I  kind of
thought of her as my protector. She loved horses and would
draw them for me. We had many great days together. And
she had a dog named Rowdy who would come on walks
with us in the back hills where she lived with her grandma; I
loved  that  dog  and  was  often  envious  of  her  because  I
wanted my own dog  so bad.  I  did have  two dogs when  I
lived with my grandma and grandpa, but  the  first one  they
told me  they had  to get  rid of her, her name was Tisha.  I
cried for days, I  remember going outside to go play with her
and  I   couldn’t  find her,  I   ran back  inside  to  tell Ninny and
Poppy and that’s when they told me that they gave her away
’cause  she  was  tearing  up  the  backyard,  I   was  so
devastated,  looking back  I   think  the worst  thing was  them
not  telling  me  about  it  and  me  discovering  her  all  of  a
sudden  gone. After  that  they  took me  to Disneyland  and
bought me a stuffed dog that looked just like her, I  slept with
that dog every night. I  wonder what happened to the stuffed

NOVEMBER 3, 1998

I   think  I  want  to  live by  the ocean one day. Have a  little
cottage overlooking the ocean. I  could walk down the steps
right onto  the warm sand, hear  the waves crashing on  the
rocks, and watch the seagulls in the clear blue sky.
I  miss her. I  try so hard to see her face in my mind, but I
can’t remember. I  hate myself for not remembering. Some
memories are so blurry it’s like a dream or something.
I  keep remembering this one time when I  was, oh I  don’t
know, maybe about 7 or 8, anyway  I  was playing with my
best friend, Jessie, and my mom was taking a shower. We
decided we wanted  to play hide-and-seek.  I  went  into  the
bathroom and  told her
 we were  going  to  hide  and when
she got out of  the shower  I  wanted her  to come  find us.  I
guess  the shower water was so  loud she didn’t hear me,
but I  didn’t know at the time and thought she heard me. We
hid  in  the  closet. When  she  came  out  of  the  shower  and
saw that we weren’t in the house she must have thought the
worst, like someone had taken us because we were gone. I
didn’t understand her fear at the time. I  do now. At the time
she was frantic, we were still hiding in the closet we heard
her call our names, but I  thought she was playing our game,
so we stayed hidden. Then I  heard her yell and run out the
door. When we finally came out she was outside yelling for
us and her robe had come undone; she was so hysterical
she didn’t even notice. When she saw me standing at  the
door she raced to me and squeezed me tight I  thought she
would never let me go. I  started to cry. I  said I  was sorry but I
thought she had heard me.

DECEMBER 16, 1998

I  would give my soul for a picture of her. No, No, No not
my soul because nobody can give  their soul away … can
they?  I  don’t  know, maybe we  share our  souls with  loved
ones throughout our lifetimes. Is that possible? I  don’t know.
Does  that  kind of  love exist?  I  know  I   feel enormous  love
every day for my girls. Even though they don’t know I ’m their
mom, I  still feel this unseen connection with them. Does she
feel  the  same  way  about  me?  Does  she  know  I ’m  still
somewhere out here?  I  wonder  if she knows  I  miss her.  I
can’t bear to think of her sometimes it’s just too painful for

DECEMBER 22, 1998

I  want  things  to be different, but  I  would never change a
thing about my  life.  I  would never  turn back  the clock and
change the way things worked out. I  love my kids. I  wouldn’t
say I  have scars from it, but I  do have a few scratches! Like
the way I  feel about touching. I  don’t know how I  would react
to  a  man  touching  me  after  what  I   have  been  through.
Family  touching  is different,  it doesn’t bother me as much
when he hugs me anymore.  I   tell myself he  is not  touching
me in a sexual way; it is more a fatherly way now. Not that I
would know what that is like. I  want to find love one day. The
kind  of  love  I   read  about,  but  it  sounds  so  unlucky  and
unrealistic  to hope  for  that. All Phillip  talks about  is all  the
horrible people  in  the world.  I  don’t  think  the kind of  love  I
dream about is real. That’s okay, though, I  still have love in
my life from my girls.

MARCH 9, 2002

I  want  to make myself a better person. The  first  thing  I
want to improve is my garden. I’ve really been neglecting it
lately. I  don’t really know where to begin. I  haven’t been very
good  at  following through  lately.  I   just  cannot  find  the
motivation  I   need.  That  is  another  thing  I   would  like  to
JUNE 2, 2002

I  miss her. I  wonder what she thinks about. I  wonder if she
ever  thinks about me. Sometimes  I  hope  that she doesn’t
because  I   don’t  want  her  to  be  sad  and  sometimes  I
wonder if she is happier that I ’m not around anymore. I  don’t
like that thought!
I  have all these memories; some are cloudy, but they are
all there in my head. I  think at first I  tried to shut down all the
memories that are fuzzy for me now. I  remember one time
he  [“he” means Phillip,  I   tried  to  leave out names  in case
Phillip ever read it] was asleep and I  was sitting next to him
and I  felt like I  was reliving the time I  spent with my aunt and
uncle and  their  kids, my  cousins. The memories were  so
vivid I  must have sat there for hours waiting for him to wake
up  just  thinking  of my  old  life.  I   don’t  know why  I   thought
back  to  that moment,  time  in my  life. Maybe because  that
was another time in my life I  felt as lonely as I  do now. I t was
hard being away from her. No one would listen when I  said I
didn’t want to stay there.  it’s not that my aunt didn’t want me
there. I  felt I  didn’t belong with them. I  felt like an outsider, I
wanted to go home!
Does she miss me?

JULY 16, 2002

What is the difference between the heart and the soul? I
think  there’s a big difference. My heart  is an organ  in my
body. My soul is me. People in my life have helped my soul
grow and continue to grow. So many people do not listen to
their  soul.  I   know  it’s  just a word, but  that’s how we have
learned to communicate; with words and through behavior.
It’s only human to use words to describe what can never be
touched. My  cats,  Tucker,  Lucky,  and  Blackjack  share  a
hold on my soul. I  love them with my soul. That sounds silly
as  I   write  it  but  it’s  what  I   feel  for  them.  They make me
happy and mad sometimes at the same time. Blackjack is
playful and faithful. Tucker is too curious for his own good;
he is also too lovable for his own good. Lucky is … well, I
don’t quite know how to describe him. When he wants to be
scratched, but when  I  go  to scratch him he backs away.  I
understand he must have had a hard life as a stray before
he came  to  live with me.  I  know he  likes me because he
sticks around even  though he could  leave anytime.  I  know
he stays  ’cause  I   feed him but  I   feel deep down  it’s more
than that. I  love it when they all follow me around; it makes
me feel good. I  can’t describe the feeling for some reason,
but I  do feel important, like they actually want to be with me.
Boy, that sounds really silly. I  need to do more for them.

AUGUST 22, 2002
I ’m sitting here wanting to write so many things, but I  don’t
know where to begin. I  cried a little last night. Not a lot, just
a  little.  I  was  just  feeling  terrible. Sometimes  I  want  to  run
away from everything. I  would live in my own world. I  would
have  super  powers.  Like  the  power  to  heal  people  and
animals.  I   would  also  be  able  to  hear  the  thoughts  of
animals  and  people, too.  I   would  be  able  to  understand
animals. I  would travel around my world on a horse the color
of  fire with  a mane  of  snow.  I  would  be  a  heroine  in my
world.  I  would  travel everywhere helping people along  the
way with their problems and there would be only happiness
in my wake. Perhaps I  would meet my soul mate on one of
my  journeys  and we would  continue  the  journey  together.
Before the journey ended we would have to find some kind
of evil and conquer  it  together and  live happily ever after.
Boy, if only I  could live in my mind. I  know I  would never run
away.  I   love  the  girls  too  much  to  ever  leave  them. We
either go together or not at all. So for now it’s not at all.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2002

I   want  things  to  change. Maybe  first  I   need  to  change
myself. I  will never stop exercising. I  want to be physically fit
and mentally fit as well. Sometimes I  wish I  could go back to
school  to  learn more.  I  know  I ’m  learning  things here  from
him. From being a part of this, but at times I  feel weak like I
can’t do anything. I  don’t have any skills. I  would love to be a
writer someday. I  love to write. I  have no idea what I  would
write about.  I   like  reading  fairy  tales and mythology. And  I
also  love  romance novels. Not  the gross  sexual ones but
the ones about finding the perfect person for you. I  like the
thought of that one person out there searching all their lives
for one person who makes  them  feel  complete  like Nora
Roberts  novels  and  Danielle  Steel.  I   like  Nora  Roberts
more because they feel more real. No, real is not the right
word because the stories aren’t really real. Life is not kind
to all of us.

OCTOBER 2, 2002

I  said I  would not leave them; I  know I  won’t because I ’m a
coward! I ’ve always been a coward. I  get so nervous when
unexpected  things happen  I   feel helpless, scared, and my
face  feels  like a mask and  it betrays my  feelings. My chin
quivers when I ’m nervous or upset. I  hate it my hands even
shake. They seem to shake all the time; I  can’t control them
either. I ’m not afraid. Not when I ’m home, it’s when I ’m out
with Nancy and around people I  get so scared. Do they see
DECEMBER 16, 2002

I   want  to  feel  whole. Will  I   ever  feel  complete?  Love,
Justice, Wisdom, he says these words are the keys to life.
Do I  have these things? I  have safe love. Justice? Do I  have
Justice for what happened?

JANUARY 4, 2003

One time I  had this thought that when we have the money
and he gets going with his music or whatever  that  I  would
search  the  world  for  top  teachers,  psychologists,  and
doctors and I  would be behind the scenes. I  would organize
and we would  open  a  free  clinic  for  homeless  people  to
come  and  interact  with  animals. Animals  bring  so much
comfort to me, I  think they would fill a place in the homeless
people’s hearts, too. The clinic would help these people get
back on their feet and feel better about themselves. I  don’t
know  exactly  how  it  would  work,  but  I  saw  this  ad  in  a
magazine maybe they could help: Lisa and Gray Silverglat
owners of M’Shoogy’s Emergency Animal Rescue: 11519
State Rte. C., Savannah, MO 64485.

JANUARY 31, 2003

Please, please stop  these restless  feelings.  I  can’t stop
myself from imagining me just taking the girls and getting in
the car, starting it, and leaving this horrible place forever. I
know I  can’t leave. I  tell myself that every day. But I  want to
be away from here so bad it consumes me. Where would I
go? Who would  help me? Could  I   find  a  job? Would  he
come  after  us?  I   know  there  is  nowhere  to  go.  These
thoughts and feelings need to be squashed. Things will get
better.  I  have  to keep  telling myself  this.  I  don’t even know
how  to drive, but  I  can still see myself doing  it  just  to get
away. Please, please stop.

FEBRUARY 22, 2003

I  want  to be more  independent. But how?  I  don’t  think
could  survive  by myself  outside  of  these walls.  I  wouldn’t
know how to take care of myself or the kids. The world is so
messed up. Why do people  ruin  their  lives? The answers
seem  so  simple  to me  sometimes  and  sometimes  I   see
how  complicated  the answers are,  too. Why do  I  have  to
miss her [my mom] so much? She hasn’t been a part of my
life  in so  long.  I  don’t even remember what she  looks  like.
Would  I  even  recognize her  if  I  saw her? Do people have
connections  like  that? Would  my  soul  recognize  hers?
don’t  know.  I   hope  I   get  the  chance  to  find  out  one  day.
Sometimes  I   dream  about  her.  They  are  fuzzy,  hazy
dreams; I  don’t even remember them that well when I  wake
up,  I   just know she was  in  them. My  last memory  is of her
forgetting  to  kiss me  good-bye  that morning.  I   was mad
because I  asked her the night before to kiss me good-bye
before she went to work. She forgets. When I  was walking
around  the  track  that Nancy has set up  in  the backyard  to
exercise with, I  thought about her so much I  started to cry.

MARCH 11, 2003

Instead of  the clinic  that  I  mentioned setting up before,
think  it would  be more  like  housing  instead. Maybe  on  a
ranch with horses and all sorts of other animals. We could
find  jobs  for  everyone  that  needed  one  around  the  ranch
and then they wouldn’t be homeless anymore. I  don’t know
that much  about  running  a  ranch  like  that,  but  I   intend  to
learn.  Maybe  one  day  it  would  be  a  big  community  of
people. I  really want a ranch one day with horses. I  want to
take in all the injured and unwanted animals. They would all
have  a  place  on  the  ranch. And  in  return  those  animals
would give the people on the ranch a sense of worth.

APRIL 4, 2003

Dreams.  Are  dreams  real  or  are  they  made  up  from
memories and  things  that happen during  the day?  I  don’t
really  know.  I   hope  they  are  just  dreams.  Things  that will
never really happen like that. I  never really have nightmares,
only once in a while. A  few years ago I  had a dream about
my grandpa, Poppy. I  dreamed he was in his truck [he was
a truck driver] and he had a heart attack and tried to cross
the  road and got  ran over. That’s why  I  hope dreams are
just dreams and not  real. Sometimes  I  want  to stay  in my
dreams when she [my mom] is in them. Just hold on to them
for a little bit longer to be with her again if only it’s for a few
minutes,  but  I   always wake  up. Some  of my  dreams  are
weird, like in one I ’m trying to open my eyes but I  can’t, but
that’s when I  know I ’m dreaming.

MAY 3, 2003

I  felt lonely all day today. I  don’t understand why I  feel like
this  sometimes.  I  mean  it’s  not  like  I ’m  alone.  I   have my
family and they are great. I  don’t really know why I  feel like
this. I  just want a chance to do things myself. Lead a life that
I  choose not this life that I  have no say in what happens. No
real  control. What  do  I  want? Maybe  to  feel  a  little more
grown up.  I   feel sometimes  like  I ’m still  the same age as
when IT happened. I  hate this feeling. I  want to grow up. But
how do  I  do  that here? Who would  I  be  if  I  weren’t here?
Sometimes  I   think  I   would  be  a  totally  different  person
because being here has changed me. I  might have always
followed in someone else’s footsteps. Always trying to get
people  to  like me. Always wanting  nobody  to  be mad  at
me. Oh who am  I  kidding,  I ’m still  that same person. Well
maybe not as much as before. I  have changed. I  know now I
would not  follow  the  leader of  the pack blindly,  I  would not
do  drugs  or  break  the  law.  I   wish  I   had  better  instincts,

JUNE 6, 2003

Reading  is  an  escape  for me.  I   ask myself, what  am  I
escaping from? I  don’t know, I  just … maybe I  am escaping
myself. I ’m not happy or comfortable with myself. When I ’m
reading  I   can  lose myself, maybe  even  become  like  the
beautiful women I  read about. Strong, independent women
that do  things by  themselves.  I  should be  taking control of
my body and getting strong and healthy;  I  put on so much
weight  from  the babies, my body has changed so much.  I
just can’t seem to get motivated. I  just can’t say no to food!
She [Nancy] is always bringing in so much candy and, yes, I
love it, but it does not help my weight. I  just can’t say no to
her  [Nancy]. Maybe one day when  I ’m  finally ready  to  take
control of myself I  will.

AUGUST 11, 2003

My  cat  Blackjack  died  on  this  day;  I   wrote  this  in
memorial to him.
Why do we allow ourselves  to  love when we know  for a
fact that, that soul will eventually leave us??? I  will miss him.
There  are  no  words  that  offer  comfort,  but  to  not  write
anything  at  all  feels  wrong.  Hearts  become  attached  as
easily as they become broken and our minds are left sifting
through the pieces, which I  fear take a lifetime to put back
together  to achieve any  form  of  acceptance.  I  will  always
love him.

AUGUST 21, 2003

Life moves so fast. I t has been a while since I  last wrote
and I  feel different and the same. Sometimes all I  can think
about  is  the way  I   look.  I   feel ugly because  I ’m  fat and my
face is so awful, full of pimples. I  try so hard to … to what?
Why do I  care what I  look like? My family loves me just the
way I  am, they are the only ones who see me, so what do I
care? But  I  want  to  be  pretty,  not  gorgeous,  just  pretty.  I
want a healthy body and flawless skin. Am I  vain? I t makes
me depressed the way I  look now. I  hate mirrors, but I  also
want a mirror to see myself. T o see if all the exercising I  am
doing with Nancy is paying off. Why is it important to me? I
tell myself  that  I   am  going  to  have  to  face  the way  I   look
because why dwell on  it when  I ’m doing all  I  can  to better
myself, what more can I  ask of myself. I  hate feeling down. I
want to be happy.


I   don’t  understand why  I ’m  not  happy.  I   am  happy …  I
mean I  should be happy. I  have a lot more than other people
do.  I   just  feel  angry  that  I  will  never  see my  friend  again
[Jessie] or my  real  family.  I   guess  in  a way  I   never  really
knew them; I  really didn’t even know her [my mom], maybe
that’s what’s eating at me …  I ’m afraid  I ’ll never  really get
the  chance  to  know  her  [my  mom].  What  if  something
happens  to her  [my mom]. Life  is so uncontrollable.  I t  just
continues and we just ride the wave it creates. Sometimes I
want  to  lead my own  life. But why?  I t would be  in my best
interest  to  stay  and  go  with  this  flow.  I   read  stories  of
adventure and true love and, yes, I  want it, everyone wants
that—look at all  the books written about  those  subjects!  I
want  to  find  it, but  I  don’t  think  it  really  truly exists or ever
happens. It’s just dreams people have and wish for to make
life  more  worthwhile  in  this  dangerous  would  we  live  in.
Something to keep their hearts from shattering. I  don’t think
it really happens, though, I  have never seen it. I  don’t think I
will find it either. I  will live my days alone because I  will not
settle for anything less than true feelings.

OCTOBER 12, 2003

I   guess  I   have  turned  a  switch  off  inside  of me.  In  the
beginning  I  did  it  to survive. Now  it’s  just habit,  I  suppose,
but nonetheless it is now a part of who I  am. I  feel it switch
when  I  watch  TV  or  I ’m  out  somewhere. When  I ’m  out  in
public I  want nothing more than to be invisible. T o blend in
and not get noticed. That’s when  I   feel  the  switch  turn on
and me sink into the background. I  don’t look at people or
really see  them either.  I   feel  like  if  I  notice  them,  they will
notice me.  I  want  to have a normal  life and be  like normal
people,  but  I   can’t,  the  switch  always  turns  on.  I ’m  also
afraid if I  see people, I ’m afraid of what I  would see. It’s not
that I  don’t care, I  care! I  care more than I  want to. I  just can’t
stand  crying  over  any  of  it  anymore maybe  because  I’ve
done  enough  crying  for  two  lifetimes.  I   can’t  say,  though,
that people don’t affect me; I  would be lying to myself. I  want
to change the world, make it a better place to live. A place
where I  want the kids to live in.

NOVEMBER 8, 2003

[Journal entry about a kitten that I named Precious that I
found outside, but she w as very sick and ended up dying.]
Oh God,  I   feel awful.  I  hurt  so badly. Why do  I   feel  this
way? I  only knew her for a short time. I  think this is the first
time  someone  I   loved  has  died.  I   know  I’ve  lost  many
people in my life that I  have loved even more, but this is the
first  one  that  has  died  in my  arms.  I   know  people would
think I ’m crazy for crying over her because she was just an
animal. Sometimes I  feel more connected with them than I
could ever feel for a human being. Is that weird? I  will never
forget her [Precious]. How could she have gotten lodged in
my heart so quickly?

NOVEMBER 9, 2003

I  feel scared right now. I ’m thinking what if I  never get to
see her again. What if she dies! I  would never really get to
know her and there is nothing I  can do about it. I ’m helpless.
I  feel better after I  write down what I ’m feeling. I  don’t really
have anyone to share them with. I  don’t think they [Phillip or
Nancy] would even  really want  to hear what  I ’m  thinking.  I
don’t want to make them sad with what I ’m feeling anyways.
They don’t ask me a lot, so it’s not hard to keep all my junk
inside.  I’ve heard  the expression  “time heals all wounds.”
One day I  hope to understand what that truly feels like.

DECEMBER 18, 2003

On a promo for the news tonight the press is speculating
that the man that killed Polly Klass also took and killed me.
I t  is  so  hard  to  express  the  feelings  I ’m  feeling.  They
showed a brief picture of me and  then  the killer. That was
so painful to watch. Phillip thinks it would be a bad idea for
me to watch the news tonight; I  think he’s right, I ’m not going
to watch  it.  I  wonder  if  they will show a picture of her  [my
mom].  I  hope  they don’t bring  it all up  for her again. Why
can’t they just leave it in the past? I  hope they don’t hurt her.
What must  she  be  thinking? Does  she  think  I ’m  dead?  I
miss her more than I  can understand. Sometimes I ’m afraid
I  won’t  recognize  her.  Sometimes  I  wonder  if  I  was  ever
given  the choice, would  I  stay here or  leave? There  is no
easy answer. There  is a piece of me missing. Part of me
will always be there with her [my mom], there is a part of me
that always hurts and feels the pain of losing my family and
that  part wants  to  become whole  but  that  cannot  happen
until I  am united with those I  lost. I  wish I  was stronger.
1. Only I  can make it happen.
2. I  control what I  eat.
3. Every day I  become the person I  want to be.
4. I  have the strength to do everything I  set my mind to.

DECEMBER 30, 2003

There are times I  forget who I  am. Tonight I  have so many
memories  running  through my head, good and bad. Time
and  separation  dulls  some  of  the  memories,  but  the
essence is always there with me every day. One day when I
see her again maybe the pain will go away. I  know I ’m not
the  first  person  to  lose  someone  they  love  and  I   most
certainly won’t be the last. I ’m probably considered lucky, if
you can call it that, because I  know I  will see her again one
day; not everyone can say that.
I   know  this  may  sound  silly  but  not  easy.  Imagine
somebody’s life going on after you leave; you only focus on
your  life and  its events. So now  I  wonder what kind of  life
has she had?  I ’m  thankful and  I  hope she  is,  too,  that she
has my  sister with  her. As  I ’m writing  this  she  is  twelve.
Wow, I  can’t ever begin to guess what she’s like. I  wonder
what they do together? I  hope they are happy as I  am most
times. I  wonder if she asks about me and what she tells her.
I  have no clue what I  would say under these circumstances. I
guess I ’m the lucky one in my knowledge that I  will see them
again one day.  I t brings me a  lot of comfort  just  to say or
write those words.

DECEMBER 31, 2003

Here I  am sitting in my room [tent] thinking where will I  be
in  the  future on  this same day  in  this same hour? What  is
going to change in the New Year? The one event that sticks
out  is  Blackjack’s  death.  I   will  remember  him  forever.
Another  thing  that was  good  about  this  year was  getting
Neo.  That  changed my  world  for  the  better.  But  looking
back over the year, so little has changed from the previous
year. We are stuck in a bubble. My hope is that this year will
be  full of change.  I  want  to do so many  things.  I   feel  I  will
never be able or given the chance to do what I  want to do. In
my mind he [Phillip] is making everything more complicated
than it needs to be, but maybe I  see it that way because my
mind  is simple.  I  prefer my  life simple and uncomplicated
because I  know his situation is anything but simple.

FEBRUARY 3, 2004

Why  does  it  always  have  to  be  something  holding  us
back? I t’s like we have to fight for each step we take in our
lives never knowing exactly where it will lead us, but fighting
nonetheless!  Why  does  he  [Phillip]  make  a  simple
sentence  seem  so  complicated? When  will  life  feel  like
living for? I  wish it was now, I ’m so tired! Tired of being not
in control of my life because it is my LIFE! Why do people
think they have the right to my life?
10 things that make me Happy
1. Hearing someone laugh
2. When my cats are near me
3. Birds singing
4. When animals like me
5. Blue skies and puffy clouds
6. The rain
7. Having something fun to do
8. The ocean
9. When someone says something kind to me
10. Knowing someone loves me

FEBRUARY 7, 2004

I ’m sitting and thinking it’s so hard to change habits. I ’m
trying  to write out a plan  for my  future, but  it’s hard.  I   feel  I
have  no  future.  I   thought  it would  be  easier.  It’s  the New
Year  and  by  the  end  of  it  I   plan  on  making  changes  in
myself. It’s a slow process (changing) but everything counts
on me making these changes, I  feel like the world depends
on it. I  know that sounds really egotistical but I  feel it.
I   remember having a dream a  few years ago about my
grandpa. In the dream I  saw my grandpa’s truck [he was a
truck driver] at what looked like a shopping center parking
lot  and  he was  lying  in  his  truck.  I   think  he was  dead.  I t
looked like he had been beaten.
[I  later found out w hen I w as reunited with my mom, that
my grandpa w as hit by a car and killed.]

MARCH 13, 2004

I ’m sorry. Sorry for everything I  can’t be. Sorry I  can’t be
what he wants me to be. I  don’t even know exactly what that
is.  I ’m  just sorry. Sometimes  I   feel so alone,  I  know  that’s
crazy  because  I ’m  not  alone.  I   have my  cats  and  people
who  love me,  too.  I t’s  just  I  don’t know what  I  want. Some
days  I   can  clearly  see  everything  and  things  seem  easy,
and the next day seems blurry and I  can’t see what I  want.
Nights are the worst because I  have too much time to think.
Sometimes I  think I ’m being too dramatic and complain too
much. What  do  I   have  to  complain  about?  I   have  food,  I
have shelter from the rain, well, unless my tent is leaking. I
don’t want  to hurt him  [Phillip];  sometimes  I   think my  very
presence hurts him. So how can I  ever tell him how I  want to
be FREE to come and go as I  please? FREE to say, I  have
a family. FREE.

MAY 23, 2004

I   usually  don’t write  about my  day-to-day  life,  but  today
was just so horrible I  had to get it down on paper. The day
started out bad. Phillip was  in a  really bad mood and you
could  tell early on  in  the day  that all he was going  to get
done was sleep on the couch all day. I  hate it when he is so
lazy. While I  work all day, he gets to do anything he wants. I
am so  tired of  that, but  I  can’t do anything about  it. Nancy
had already asked him the day before if she could take me
thrift  store  shopping  and  he  said  yes.  Sometimes  I   like
going out with Nancy and sometimes I  do not. She can be
so cold, and  it makes me  feel  like  I  have done something
wrong. She asks me where I  want to go, but then when I  tell
her, it’s like I’ve made the wrong decision, so I’ve learned to
try to feel her out ahead of time so I  know the right answer.
Today we headed to the Goodwill in Pittsburg, and then the
Salvation Army  in Antioch.  I  always show her  the clothes  I
would  like  to buy  to  see  if  she  likes  them,  too. When we
came to the shoes, I  sat my purse down on the chair while I
tried on a pair of shoes Nancy said I  would like. After I  tried
them on and discovered they were too big, I  put them back
on the shelf and followed her to another aisle. A minute or
two later I  realized I  forgot my purse and told Nancy I  had to
go back to the shoe aisle. When we went back and looked
around, my  purse was  nowhere  to  be  found.  I t  had  been
stolen.  I  was  in disbelief  for a minute. Stunned.  I   felt  like a
part of me had been stolen. I  know it’s irrational, but that’s
how  I   felt.  I   felt  stupid  and  apologized  to  Nancy  for  my
carelessness. She had given me the money for the PG&E
bill and I  put it in my purse for safekeeping and now it was
gone. I  felt shaky and ready to cry. I  walked over to the little
kids’ section while Nancy placed a call to Phillip. I  sat down
in  one  of  the  little  chairs  for  the  kids  to  use  while  their
mothers shopped and cried. I  don’t know why I  was crying. I
knew I  could easily work off the stolen money. I t was more
than  that.  I   felt  like  I  never wanted  to  leave “home” again.  I
couldn’t believe someone would steal my belongings. I  feel
like  it  is not safe  to  leave  this place.  I   feel  it  is not safe  to
leave the safety of Phillip’s backyard. At least I  know what
to expect here.

JUNE 27, 2004

Lonely, that’s how I  feel. Lonely and incomplete. I  want to
run but have no idea where to run to. I  want to yell, but I  don’t
want  to hurt anybody.  I  want  to say something, but  I  don’t
know  what  to  say.  Love  is  the  easy  part;  it’s  the  living
without the love you need that is hard.
Is  life worth  living simply because you  live, or  is  it worth
more if you make life happen? What if you have no choice
in the matter? Maybe you have to make life happen whether
it  is  good  or  bad;  you make  the  choices  in  your  life  and
have  to  live with  the consequences of your choices. Did  I
have a choice “that day”? Could I  have chosen to stay home
from school? I  would have been punished, but my life would
not have changed so completely as it did. Would I  choose
to be here even with everything’s that happened?

JULY 5, 2004

I t feels like I ’m sinking. I ’m afraid I  want control of my life.
This  is  supposed  to be my  life  to do with what  I   like, but
once again he [Phillip] has taken it away. How many times
is he allowed to take it away from me? I ’m afraid he doesn’t
see how the thing he says makes me a prisoner. Does he
want to see it?
I’ve been thinking of her a lot lately. I  know it would take
just a couple of clicks,  I  could see her.  I  need  to see her.
So, what’s stopping me?  I   think  I ’m afraid  to  take  the  first
step because I  know I  could not go any farther with it. And
that would hurt me. I ’m such a coward! I  hate being afraid.
Why don’t I  have control of my life! I  feel now I  can’t even be
sure my thoughts are my own. I  can’t even really talk to him
[Phillip] about anything  I   feel because he will  just  think  the
angels are controlling me.  I  don’t want  to burden him with
what I ’m feeling. Why should I  even care if I  hurt him, he has
hurt me! I  just can’t do it back. I  can’t be like them.


I ’m just surging with anger right now. I  can’t help it. I  think
what he did is wrong. Why couldn’t he just once give in and
not be so controlling! I t helps to write these feelings down. I
can’t  talk  to him. He overpowers me with his words  in no
time. Then there’s the fact that I  can’t put what I ’m trying to
say in the right way. What I  want to say never comes out the
way I  envision it in my head. Why is that? I  wonder if I  could
have  prevented  the  fight  by  going  out  there myself,  then
again maybe he would have  told me  the same  things.  I f  I
told him any of my  feelings he would  immediately  tell me
“the angels are controlling you.”  I  need him  to give me  the
freedom  to  talk  to  him,  but  right  now  that’s  not  going  to
happen. So I  will just let these feelings flow through me and
out  this  pencil.  It’s  weird,  but  I   already  feel  the  tension
leaving me and soon  I  will only be  left with  the memory of
this night to think about and analyze, rethink, and come to a
conclusion about what to do. Maybe  the  tension  is  leaving
me because  I ’m no  longer around him;  I ’m out here  in my
own space. I  love my tent! It’s my own space to do with as I
wish. As soon as I  see him again, all I  want to do is tell him
how  wrong  he  was  to  do  that.  But  he  will  never  take
responsibility for what he does. It’s always someone else’s
fault,  the angels now mostly.  I f  I  confronted him, he would
just  think  I ’m  being  controlled  to  say  these  things  by  the
angels and that would get me nowhere. Sometimes I  wish I
could  live  very  far  away  from  him  [Phillip];  sometimes  I
dream about it.

OCTOBER 3, 2004

Sometimes I  think the memories from what he did to me
would  fade more quickly  if  I  didn’t have  to  see him every
day 24/7. It’s hard. And I  hate the memories from that time. I
want  them  to  go  away  forever.  I   miss  her.  I   would  give
anything  if  she  could  just  hold me  one more  time. Would
she let me go again? It’s nights like this I  wish for someone
to hold me safe. Neo  is here and he brings me comfort,  I
don’t know what I  would do if I  didn’t have him with me.
10 things I w ant to do
1. Lose weight
2. Do yoga in the morning
3. Write more
4. Learn something new
5. See all the people I  care about
6. Learn 2 different languages
7. Learn to paraglide
8. Travel around the world
9. Learn to snorkel
10. See my mom
MARCH 28, 2006

My Dreams for the Future
1. See Mom
2. See Pyramids
3. Ride in a hot-air balloon
4. Learn to drive
5. Swim with dolphins
6. Touch a whale
7. Take a train ride
8. Learn to sail an old-fashioned sailing ship
9. Write a best seller
10. Horseback ride on the beach every day
This  is  one  of  the  Bible  studies  Phillip  made  us  sit
John 1:1
Wisdom was created before everything.
God represents a way of living one’s life. God holds and
stands by wisdom, love, and justice. They are one.
[The]woman  is  in  all  of  us.  She  represents  our
subconscious. She is inside of us always making good and
bad  decisions.  Man  represents  male  and  female.  The
garden  or  field  in  the  Bible  is  the  inner  workings  of  our
minds.  God  developed  man  [humans,  male  and  female]
through stages in the evolution of our minds. We as humans
have not yet awakened  from  the deep sleep and we have
not become one with our inner woman [subconscious]. We
have  not  shed  our  clothes  [bad  behavior]  and  become
naked. Living as God [a way of life] our creator intended.
The  serpent  in  the  Garden  of  Eden  [our  minds]
represents our subconscious and our conscious  talking  to
each  other.  Like  the  battle  sometimes  we  have  within
ourselves. Telling us to do something even when you know
it’s wrong or has the potential to be wrong or dangerous if
you have never had the experience of doing it, how can you
ever win the battle? So the woman [Eve in the garden, our
subconscious]  gave  the  apple  [a  new  experience]  to  her
husband  [our subconscious, Adam]. Our creator knew  the
only way to develop man so he could one day become like
God was to let man learn through experience.
The  breath  of  life  our  creator  breathed  into  all was  the
freedom  to make  choices,  good  and  bad.  That’s why  he
gave us a helper [our subconscious, our inner woman] to be
with us through our journey of learning.
From the very beginning we have struggled with the way
o f God  and  our  minds.  The  story  of  Cain  and  Abel
represents the turmoil with us. Cain is the negative input we
encounter every day and the consequences of letting those
thoughts take over. Abel is what we know is right but don’t
always  listen  to. And when we  let Cain  [the negative] win,
we  kill  Abel  [our  sense  of  what’s  right].  But  as  with  all
aspects of our life, we have the ability to change and grow
and learn from our mistakes. Our inner woman can be good
or bad depending on the choices we make in life.
MAY 16, 2006

Favorite Song/Artists
Kelly  Clarkson:  Behind  These  Hazel  Eyes,  Miss
Independent, Walk Away
3 Doors Down: Superman Kryptonite, Close to Home
KT Tunstal: Black Horse & the Cherry Tree
Maroon 5
Matchbox 20
Dido: White Flag
Green Day: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
One Republic
5 for Fighting
Jason Mraz: The Remedy

SEPTEMBER 18, 2006

Had a breakdown  today. They  [the angels] used him  to
hurt  me.  Unacceptable!  He  cut  me  deep  inside,  deep
damage done will take time to repair. At first all the anger
was directed at both of  them  [Phillip and Nancy], but  time
makes  things clear and blame  is  in  the  right place now.  I
know I  will get over it. Love will prevail. I  will win!

SEPTEMBER 20, 2006

Found out that he took money from us again. He says the
angels made  him  do  it. He  never  takes  responsibility  for
anything. Even though last time he said it wouldn’t happen
again. He still did it. They [the angels] want me to hate him
[Phillip] for doing this to us again. I  know I  shouldn’t blame
him, but it’s hard not to. He wants me to believe the angels
made him do it and it’s not his fault. I  know in his mind he
took  the money  for a good reason, not  intentionally  to hurt
us but still. I  wanted to scream and yell at him like he did to
me. I  didn’t! I  can’t count on him for anything. It’s hard to not
be angry with him. I  need to work on that. He also yelled at
A and made her cry, which he also blamed on the angels.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2006

All Phillip and Nancy do is sleep all day. They want me to
think it’s the angels doing it, but when will they start trying to
help themselves? I  work all day and they sleep. I t ridiculous!
They were  going  to  tell  the  psychiatrist  about  the  angels
today  and  how  Phillip  hears  voices,  but  Phillip  says  the
angels  made  both  him  and  Nancy  so  sleepy  that  they
couldn’t drive and  tell  the doctor. They still went  today and
all seemed to go okay. Maybe he will get the help he needs
now from the psychiatrist.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2006

Felt sad all day today. I  feel like everything is hopeless.

NOVEMBER 5, 2006

The  angels  gave  Nancy  suicidal  thoughts  today.  Very
hard  to  hear  her  talking  like  that.  Gives  me  feelings  of

FEBRUARY 21, 2007

I  have feelings of hopelessness. I  feel like nobody cares.
This  year  has  been  extremely  hard. First,  it  feels  like we
aren’t getting anywhere. One of our clients  that witnessed
Phillip doing his “Can you hear me?” backed out today and
took  back  her  signature.  Phillip  says  it’s  because  the
angels worked with her  husband  and  that made  her  take
back  her  witness.  I t  makes  me  feel  like  everyone  who
believes is going to abandon us. Recently Phillip told us he
has been untruthful about the money we make again and he
was using it to buy stuff. He wouldn’t tell me what. It makes
me feel like I  can’t trust him. He says that’s what the angels
want. To turn us against each other. It’s so confusing.
I’ve  had  a  few  bad  dreams  lately,  too …  nothing  like
before, though. One was about a serial killer coming and
killing us all and nobody would ever know.
Phillip says the angels give him terrible dreams, too, he
says  they make  him  feel  dirty. Nancy  has  been  having  a
terrible  time,  too. Lots of bad dreams  that Phillip says  the
angels torture her with.
Sometimes I  don’t want to live on a planet that lets such
horrible things happen. I  will not give up, though.

MARCH 16, 2007

I’ve  been  feeling  very  pressured  lately.  I t  feels  like
everything  is  riding  on  me  doing  something.  Like  when
“Can you hear me?” was riding on me hearing it and I  could
never hear it. Now it’s either send the emails to people who
hear voices and people of the church or nothing is going to
happen. Why does he put so much pressure on me? Why
can’t he make his project happen?  I  have enough work  to
do just to keep us surviving.
Affirmation  to counteract  the negative  feelings  I have
1.  I   am  a  creative,  positive,  successful,  and  happy
2. I  can achieve anything I  set my mind on.
3.  We  will  succeed  in  everything  we  are  trying  to
4. I  am a strong and capable person.
5. We will succeed.
6. I  will have a strong and healthy body and mind.
7. Anything and everything is possible with love.
8. Our goals are attainable.
9. It’s easy for me to get up every day and exercise.
10. It’s easy for me to eat healthy.
11. I  make it a habit to be happy.
12. I  will be more assertive.
13. Today is a glorious day.
14. Every day I  work toward my goals.
15. I  make every day a positive day.
Favorite Quotes: May 1, 2007
The world  turns and  the world changes, but one
thing does not change. How ever you disguise it, this
thing  does  not  change:  the  perpetual  struggle  of
Good and Evil.
—T. S. Eliot
What w ill  happen w ill  happen. There  is  time  for
miracles until there is no more time, but time has no
—Dean Koontz
Hope, love, and faith are all in the waiting.
—Dean Koontz
I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope; for
hope would be hope for the wrong thing.
—T. S. Eliot
Places I w ill go one day
1. Egypt
2. Victoria Falls in Africa
3. Alaska to see the northern lights
4. Norway to see Aurora Borealis
5. Italy
6. Greece
7. Ireland
8. Galapagos Islands

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