মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

5.Alone in a Strange Place

When  I  wake  I  am alone  in a strange place.  I  wonder
how  much  time  has  passed.  I   woke  up  crying,  which  is
strange because I’ve never had a dream scare me so much
that I’ve woken up crying before. I  realize that my nightmare
is  real. Why  is  this happening? My body  feels  tight and  it
hurts. My mind wants  to  leave and be  somewhere else.  I
struggle to gain a sitting position, but the handcuffs make it
difficult. I  finally manage awkwardly. Maybe I  should just try
to go back to sleep. My mind is worrying about all the things
I   was  supposed  to  do  that  day. What  happened  when  I
didn’t show up at school? Will I  get in trouble? Does anyone
know what  happened? Where  is my mom?  Is  she  still  at
work?  Is she  looking  for me? Did Carl see  this man  take
me?  Is  he  sending  someone  to  get me? When  can  I   go
home?  Will  this  stranger  take  me  home?  All  these
questions  go  through my mind. My head still  feels  fuzzy.  I
don’t know what  to do.  I  want  to get up and see  if  the  first
door will open so  I  can see what’s  in  the other  room. But
every time I  try to sit up I  fall back down. I  am so tired. I  turn
so  I  am now  lying on my back more, which  is a  little more
comfortable.  This  room  is  small.  My  bed  back  at  home
would  not  fit  in  this  room.  There  is  a  window  above my
makeshift  bed.  There  is  a  towel  and  blinds  covering  the
window,  so  I   can  only  see  a  little  bit  of  light.  I t  looks  like
moonlight. I  wish I  could see the moon. My mom and I  used
to  love  to sit out  front of my grandma’s house and  look at
the moon. We would debate about which moon was better,
the crescent or  the  full.  I  always voted  for  the  full and she
liked  the  crescent.  I   wonder  what  kind  of  moon  is  out
tonight. I t feels like I  have been here forever. Has it been an
hour or more? I  have no way of telling. There are tall, heavy-
looking  tables  in  two  corners of  the  tiny  room  I ’m  in. The
legs  are  covered  in  carpet.  There  is  also  some  strange-
looking  equipment  on  tables.  I   can’t  really  see  the  tops
because  the handcuffs prevent me  from getting up all  the
way. They are big and from what I  can see from this angle
have  sliding  dials  on  them.  There  is  also  a  big  pane  of
glass in the wall that separates this room from the next. The
walls are made of some kind of wood. I t looks like a lot of
different woods  all mixed  together  to  create  a  panel  that
has many colors. I  think it is called particleboard, but I ’m not
sure.  I  want  to  feel  it but  instead scrape my knuckle along
the side of it. I t is very rough and I  think I  got a splinter in my
knuckle.  I   wonder  what  will  happen  to  me.  I   can’t  get
comfortable. I  move from side to side. I  want to get up and
walk around. My  legs  feel  like  they are  falling asleep and
are getting cramps. I  lay back down and fall asleep quickly.
The  towel on  the window shows  that  the sun  is up. This
room is getting hot when I  wake the next morning; at least I
think it is morning. There is really no way to know for sure. I
feel  like  I  can’t breathe,  it’s so hot.  I  am so  thirsty and  I ’m
starting to sweat. How much time has passed? I  close my
eyes thinking, Will I  ever want to open them again? Maybe
if I  go to sleep, then when I  wake up I  will be in my own bed
and this will be just a bad dream. I  close my eyes and give
in to oblivion once again.


He did come in that day to check on me. He brought me
fast  food  and  a  soda.  It’s  hard  to  remember  day-to-day
things after this point. I  think he came in at least once a day
to  bring me  something  to  drink  and  eat.  I   became  totally
dependent  on  him  for  everything.  He  would  take  off  the
handcuffs while he was there so I  could eat. He brought in a
bucket for me to use as a toilet. I  hated when he would put
the  cuffs  back  on  when  he  left,  so  eventually  I   looked
forward  to  seeing  him  and  getting  them  off. Even  though
they were covered in soft fur, they still bit into my wrists and
made my skin raw. I t was hot in that room and I  would sweat
buckets all day. He said he was working on getting a cooler
for  the  room and  that would make  it cooler  for me.  In  the
meantime he brought  in a  fan, which helped a  lot.  I  would
ask him every day when he was going to let me go home. I
guess  I  can kind of  figure out  the answer  to  that even  if  I
don’t remember his exact words.
He would try to make me smile with all these silly voices
he would make. He had an English accent, a Texan accent,
and an Australian accent. I  feel this was all part of his plan
to manipulate me  into being compliant with him. He used
his powers of persuasion to gain my trust. He became my
entire world.  I  depended on him  for  food, water, my  toilet.
He  was  my  only  source  of  amusement.  I   craved  human
contact  so much  by  then  that  I   actually  looked  forward  to
him coming to see me; it felt like he was bestowing a gift to
me … his presence. He was all I  knew for months. I  slept a
lot  during  this  time.  There  was  nothing  else  to  do  and
sleeping helped  to  shut off my broken heart.  I  didn’t have
any more nightmares like that first one about being taken; I
guess  I   was  living  the  ultimate  nightmare  so  my  mind
couldn’t  think  of  anything  worse.  When  I   dreamed,  I
dreamed  I  could  fly. When  I  would wake,  I  would have no
concept of time. A little light leaked through the towel on the
window,  but  other  than  that  not  much  light.  I   learned  to
gauge  the  time by Phillip’s  visits.  I   knew  it must be night
when Phillip would bring my dinner. He didn’t touch me after
that  first day  in  the bathroom until one day about a week
later …

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